Food Coloring Stain Removal
- There are several products you will need to remove food coloring stains. You will probably be able to find these items in your home. You will need a vacuum cleaner to suck in and dry the liquid within the stained area. Club sodas would also come in handy because these drinks are great for removing water-soluble stains. A bottle of white vinegar, clean towels, liquid detergent, ammonia solution and hydrogen peroxide solutions are also a few of the items you would want to have at home for food coloring stain emergencies.
- You do not need to go to a dry cleaners or a professional carpet cleaner to have food coloring stains removed. The first rule to remember is that you need to remove a stain immediately. Once it has been on the fabric for some time, it may be difficult for you to remove it.
To remove such stains, make use of a shaving cream that contains peroxide. Peroxide is a powerful chemical component in removing food coloring stains. All you need to do is spray it all over the stain, wait 5 minutes and then start rubbing away.
Another strategy is for you to soak the stained material in warm water that is pre-mixed with 1 tbsp. white vinegar and 1/2 tsp. liquid laundry detergent. Take note, however, that if the material or garment is bigger in size, you may need to increase the size of the stain remover solution accordingly. Soak the stained material for about 15 minutes or until the stain is removed. Then, wash as usual. - Understand that stain removers may not work for every stain and usually. Your success rate will be due to the type of fabric that is stained. If you do not want the stain to spread, always rub the area with damp cloth from the outside with strokes going toward the center.