How to Replace an Automobile Blower Motor
- 1). Disconnect the cable that goes to the negative terminal on the battery. Locate the blower motor. This will almost always be in the dashboard or the firewall area of the car, but the location depends on the model of the car. On some cars, like the Audi A4 for instance, the blower is located behind the glove box, so the glove box must be removed. On other models, the BMW E46 3 Series for example, the blower motor is located just under the windshield and is accessed from the rearward part of the engine bay.
- 2). Remove any parts that restrict access to the blower. This may be the center console, the glove box or the housing that contains the cabin air filter, often located in the engine bay. Consult a workshop manual for your specific car for detailed instructions on what needs to be removed to access the blower motor.
- 3). Remove the screws or bolts that hold the blower motor in place. Use a socket and ratchet for bolts or a screwdriver for screws. Disconnect the electrical connections from the blower motor. These are frequently extremely difficult to access, so patience is the key. Once the connections for the blower are disconnected and the blower is unbolted, remove it from the car.
- 4). Install the new blower in the opposite order that the old blower was removed. Connect the wiring harness or wires to the new blower. Reinstall any parts that were removed to access the blower motor. Turn the car on to make sure that the new blower motor is working.