Three Easy SEO Techniques That Should Be Used Right Away
The best way to start out with local SEO is to imagine that you are one of your prospects using a search engine. It's helpful to put yourself in their place if you want to apply SEO to your site. Whatever product or service you have, you need to ask yourself, what would your potential customers enter into the search box to reach you and purchase your product? Let's say that you have a store that exclusively sells golf accessories. Someone who types in "golf" in the search field is probably not your ideal prospect, because this term is too general. Other searchers may be looking for "golf instruction," which isn't related to what your store sells. You are looking for customers who search for "golf accessories," which is a match to what you have to offer. Business owners, who are looking out to drive local traffic, forget to go for these less popular keyword phrases that can bring in real sales. They only look at the most popular keyword phrases, which get a high number of searches but also have lots of competition. The more you can think like a prospect, the better you can plan your SEO campaigns. Your ability to find targeted keywords will improve with practice, and you'll find more customers and you will eventually be able to rank for a variety of relevant keywords. Another good strategy for local SEO is to mention every area what you serve. Each city, county and state that you serve with your business should be listed in your ads. How should you go about this? Simply listing each area through bullet points won't get you very good results but if you mention them within the content of the ad you should get some good responses. The reason you should do it this way is that it is easier for the search engines to absorb the details as data and analyze your business and the locations in which it operates. This can help you quite a bit with your local SEO. The main thing that you need to keep in mind when working with local SEO is not to ignore any of these small tips, which might look simple but they give great results on the long run.
Another tip is to ensure that your address is typed on every page on your website. The search engines seem to like this and you'll rank higher because of it. So what exactly should you include in this? You must have the address, number as well as zip code for your business on each page you publish. The search engines will then immediately know that you're targeting the local searches.
So if you want to improve your search engine rank and get more traffic, remember to apply these local SEO techniques.