The Use of Bio Pest Control in the Garden
With concern for environment, hard pesticides are being discarded by many, making way to soft bio or organic pest control.
If there is no pest control, the rise of pest can cause risk to public health and with the situation not remaining under control it is most likely that large amount of crops in the garden will get damaged or become unfit.
We cannot curtail the use of pesticides but we can surely use the one which is most friendly and compatible with the environment.
Pesticide usage is discouraged in some cultivation; in cases where crops are grown under controlled conditions such as hydroponics cultivation, they tend to be much pest resistant.
Bio control is used in this type of cultivation where natural methods may prove to be ineffective.
Predator insects are used by biological pest control to reduce or destroy infestations.
After destroying the harmful species the predator insects either leave the garden or die out.
Common predator insects encouraged in the garden for bio pest control in the garden are Ladybugs, Praying Mantis, and Lacewings etc.
Bio pesticides are also widely used apart from the more natural form of biological pest control.
The common bio pesticide so used is the BT spray.
BT spray is got from the bacterium Bacillus Thuringinesis which when sprayed upon plants is absorbed by the caterpillars when they are feeding.
As a result, toxic bacteria are developed in the digestive system of the caterpillar causing it to stop feeding.
This leads to dehydration and the death of the pest in few days.
It is important that correct strain of the BT spray is used for specific insects as it has different compositions for different bugs.
Using a wrong strain will not help.
The fungal pathogens of some insects are used for developing some other types of bio pest control in the garden which however works only under the right conditions.
For this type of pest control to work effectively, it is essential that the humidity level is high.
Containing the bug population successfully while simultaneously protecting the environment has been made possible with bio pest control in the garden.