Flying Without A Safety Net
Starting your own business seems like it might be just the thing. At some point you've probably thought about how cool it would be to work from home, running an online business. Maybe one of those internet marketing businesses that can make you a millionaire, in just a few hours a day.
Well, here's a question to consider--are you really an entrepreneur, or do you just like the idea of being one? It's something you need to get really clear about--crystal clear--or you're about to go from the proverbial frying pan directly into the very hot and very real proverbial fire. It's kind of like the wannabe cop who wants to carry a gun around, but in no way, shape or form wants to ever get shot at.
Being an entrepreneur--a successful one, not a wannabe entrepreneur--carries a lot of responsibilities with it. The thing is, that responsibility is to yourself. So step one in becoming an entrepreneur is having the self discipline--and the self respect--to do what needs to be done, even though the only one telling you to do it is you.
Being a successful entrepreneur is also hard work. But that should come as no surprise. Anything worth anything in life takes effort and energy to achieve. And if you fail, there's no safety net. You're on your own, whether you make it--or break it.
And this is why most true entrepreneurs don't ultimately wind up failing. Failure is not an option. Sure, they may fall down along the way, but in the end, they achieve the success they've always dreamed of--and always worked hard for. Why? Because they just won't quit. On top of that, they enjoy what they do, immensely, and take satisfaction in the journey. They'd have it no other way. Making to the top is just the icing on the cake.
So the question is--are you really ready to start your own journey to the top?