Aquarius Horoscope for November 2010
From the 9th it's more likely to be a case of who you know rather than what you know and cultivating good contacts will be beneficial. Comparing notes, networking and group activities are all highlighted from then on. You may wish to initiate things within an organization or group context and you could be feeling competitive or want to pool energies within a group effort. Others could be looking to you for your knowledge or opinion and you have to transmit the information in an inventive or intuitive way as you are can be quite inspiring or inspired just now. However avoid over-riding what others have to say as this energy is about co-operation and sharing. In fact you could be having a very active social life just now and may feel overloaded with mental stimulus at times.
For two plus years Saturn will be challenging you to change your stance related to your education, philosophies and spiritual path in life. Inclining you to take them more seriously and working harder at proving they work in practice. In some cases cutting them down to size as you are brought down to earth with a bump! At this point in the cycle you may be questioning the relevance of past interests, academic knowledge or beliefs, taking a closer look and re-evaluating where you stand, or which academic path or philosophy or life direction you'd now like to pursue. It could also be a geographical location as well, or which culture you'd now prefer to inhabit.
Jupiter is inviting you to capitalize on your assets be they material, or in the form of talents and skills. Reach for improvements in your comfort zone and your financial/material/physical set-up as the energy of Jupiter is there to help you land up in a better situation by early next year.
This can be a productive and profitable few months if you follow the call to invest materially in your own worth, your own deeper or best interests. Jupiter could boost your earning potential and, if you feel worthy, redouble your determination to attract abundance into your life.
From the 22nd group collaborations and social life reaches a peak.