Is That a Beetle or Roach?
When we arrive we find them to be EURoeCommon Black Ground
Beetles." The little beetle is sometimes confused to be a
cockroach because of the way they move and their antenna.
This ground beetle can grow a little over half an inch long. It
is nearly all black with some dark reddish-brown coloration on
the antennae and legs. Many grooves run lengthwise down the
beetle's wings.
Black ground beetles live under leaves, old logs, and stones.
They can be found in moist wood, fields, and gardens.
They are usually searching for prey, which includes
caterpillars, grubs, other species of beetles, fly maggots and
pupae, aphids, weevils, earthworms, slugs, snails and other
soft-bodied creatures.
Ground beetles will sometimes climb trees, shrubs, or other
plants looking for prey. They do not fly.
Predators of ground beetles are the same as those of other
beetles, including toads, small snakes, shrews, and birds.
Common Black Ground Beetles breed in late Summer. The
females lay eggs just below the soil surface. Larvae hatch and
spend the Winter in the soil.
In early Spring the larvae begin feeding and then turn into
pupae (resting stage). They come out as adult beetles in the
One of the best ways to control the little critters is to keep up
on your yard work and make sure all doors close snuggly and
if not we can make that happen by installing door sweeps. Call
us today if you are experiencing ground beetles, we can help!
Flying insects often mistaken as hornets
We probably haven't got to spend as much time outside as we would like due to the extreme heat, but with fall here, we will certainly be out in the yard doing the work we have put off all summer. One pest you might want to watch out for is the Cicada Killer.
Most people mistake these as hornets, because they can be up to 2 inches in length, but they are actually a wasp.
Cicada killer adults feed on sap and nectar and hunt cicadas to feed their larvae.
Cicada killers can be found in the yard, gardens, or between sidewalk cracks. They will create small holes in the ground and tunnel below sometimes displacing dirt which can be several pounds. They are very active during the day through the summer months and will still be present into the fall.
The female cicada killer is capable of stinging while the male is not. Even though the females can sting it is very rare.
For the most part they will only sting when handled or stepped on. If ignored it is possible for cicada killers to do noticeable damage to your yard, garden, patios, or sidewalks.
There are also cases where skunks have been known to dig up these areas looking for larvae to feed on. Those of you with pets need to be aware of cicada killers for they will sting your pet if one would catch it in their mouth. If stung it is recommended that you take your pet to the veterinarian. Control of the cicada killer can be achieved by treating these burrows and
surrounding areas with our yard treatments. These yard treatments will also help with the spiders, chiggers, and mosquitoes that might be out in your yard. If you have any problem with the cicada killer or any other pests please let us know and we would be glad to set you up with one of our many add on services. To learn more please visit us at: