Improve Your Qi
Feng Shui is a Chinese practice believed to utilize the Laws of both Heaven, (astronomy), and Earth, (geography) to help one improve life by receiving positive Qi. Qi is believed to be part of every living thing that exists, as a kind of "life force" or "spiritual energy."
Most of today's Feng Shui schools teach that it is the practice of arranging objects, (such as the internal placement of furniture in an environment,) to achieve harmony with one's environment. It is frequently translated as "energy flow", or literally as "air", "breath", or "gas". It is also used for choosing a place to live, for plotting a burial site, and still others use it for agricultural planning. Proponents claim that Feng Shui has an effect on health, wealth and personal relationships while others dispel it as a pseudoscience. Wellness may come in many forms and for those who mentally change habitual thoughts, this Feng Shui concept may be all the soul needs to reconnect the body as a whole.
Given the complexities of the mind, it is important for each of us to remember that the slightest rearrangement of our conscious thought is enough to contribute to the dynamic of our behavior and provide for positive Qi, as well as fortification for the body.
It is possible that there are parts and counterparts of the body that contribute to illness by way of negative Feng Shui. Stress is one known factor of illness. It is known that stress and all that it brings, can bleed vital nutrients and minerals from the body. Enough stress can cause a kindling affect which leaves the mind susceptible to mental unwellness.
Kindling is regarded as a phenomenon whereby repeated small electrical or chemical stimulation (which may be cause from stress, grief, etc.) may trigger unwellness such as epileptic seizures or symptoms of Bipolar Disorder. The name "kindling" was chosen because the process was likened to a log fire. The log itself, while it might be suitable fuel for a fire, may be very hard to burn, yet when surrounded by smaller pieces will catch fire due to the relationship with the kindling (i.e. heat, chemistry).
Although illness can not be willed away, it can be exacerbated or conversely minimized by repositioning thought; in effect, a method of reducing kindling to achieve positive Qi. Therefore, in the worst of mental conditions, negative Feng Shui may exist due to the tone of the thinker. Perhaps one must live on the side where the glass is half full. The adage, you are what you think you are may be the best advice.
A changing outlook, is the chinese Feng Shui of the mind. It is a matter of housekeeping, it is of luck and of science, it is of faith and belief. In order to achieve mental wellness, one must make a conscious attempt to stop negative thoughts from occurring. So, the next time you see a rainbow, make a wish, see your dream … then count your lucky stars, Feng Shui.
Most of today's Feng Shui schools teach that it is the practice of arranging objects, (such as the internal placement of furniture in an environment,) to achieve harmony with one's environment. It is frequently translated as "energy flow", or literally as "air", "breath", or "gas". It is also used for choosing a place to live, for plotting a burial site, and still others use it for agricultural planning. Proponents claim that Feng Shui has an effect on health, wealth and personal relationships while others dispel it as a pseudoscience. Wellness may come in many forms and for those who mentally change habitual thoughts, this Feng Shui concept may be all the soul needs to reconnect the body as a whole.
Given the complexities of the mind, it is important for each of us to remember that the slightest rearrangement of our conscious thought is enough to contribute to the dynamic of our behavior and provide for positive Qi, as well as fortification for the body.
It is possible that there are parts and counterparts of the body that contribute to illness by way of negative Feng Shui. Stress is one known factor of illness. It is known that stress and all that it brings, can bleed vital nutrients and minerals from the body. Enough stress can cause a kindling affect which leaves the mind susceptible to mental unwellness.
Kindling is regarded as a phenomenon whereby repeated small electrical or chemical stimulation (which may be cause from stress, grief, etc.) may trigger unwellness such as epileptic seizures or symptoms of Bipolar Disorder. The name "kindling" was chosen because the process was likened to a log fire. The log itself, while it might be suitable fuel for a fire, may be very hard to burn, yet when surrounded by smaller pieces will catch fire due to the relationship with the kindling (i.e. heat, chemistry).
Although illness can not be willed away, it can be exacerbated or conversely minimized by repositioning thought; in effect, a method of reducing kindling to achieve positive Qi. Therefore, in the worst of mental conditions, negative Feng Shui may exist due to the tone of the thinker. Perhaps one must live on the side where the glass is half full. The adage, you are what you think you are may be the best advice.
A changing outlook, is the chinese Feng Shui of the mind. It is a matter of housekeeping, it is of luck and of science, it is of faith and belief. In order to achieve mental wellness, one must make a conscious attempt to stop negative thoughts from occurring. So, the next time you see a rainbow, make a wish, see your dream … then count your lucky stars, Feng Shui.