What Will Get Hair Color Stains Out of Carpet?
- The first step, when you have a hair dye spill on carpet, is to use a cloth or damp sponge to blot up as much of the dye as possible. This will help clean the stain if you catch it early enough. Take care, when blotting, not to spread the dye further. Next, mix up a homemade solvent. Mix 1 tablespoon of mild, liquid dish soap and 2 tablespoons of white vinegar in 2 cups warm water. Apply this solution to the stain with a clean white cloth and blot. Rinse the cloth often and replace when it is no longer white. Keep doing this until you can no longer remove any dye.
- If using a homemade solution doesn't remove all of the hair dye, you may be able to bleach the remaining stain away. Use a cotton swab to dab 3% hydrogen peroxide onto the dyed fibers. Allow to dry for 24 hours, and repeat as necessary until the dye has been bleached. Unfortunately this will also bleach the carpet fibers. A quick fix for this is to buy a permanent marker that matches the carpet and carefully color in the bleached fibers.
- Another homemade solution for tough stains that have dried in requires a mixture of 1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap and 1 tablespoon of ammonia. Sponge the mixture onto the stain and let sit for 30 minutes. During that 30 minutes, blot with a clean, white cloth and add more solution. Clean the solution away with cold water and a clean cloth.
- A resort for a hair dye stain that did not sink through to the base of the fibers is to give them a trim. Use manicure scissors to trim the top of the carpet fibers that have been dyed. Another idea is to cut a square of carpet out that includes the dyed fibers. Cut another square, using the first as a pattern, from the inside of a carpeted closet, and use carpet glue to place the clean square in the hole where the fibers were dyed.