Spirituality Information: God" s Grand Plan
So this is God's grand plan. Each spirit that enters the physical universe agrees to voluntarily forget that they are a spirit child of God. This voluntary amnesia allows each spirit to be free of the knowledge of their Godness.
In this manner, each spirit has free choice in creating whatever they desire while they occupied the physical universe. This agreement, this collaboration with God, allows us to choose the experiences in life that define ourselves rather than knowing all along that we are a spirit child of God.
Say Ah-haaaaa.
This voluntary amnesia of who we really are is God's greatest gift to herself to know herself, and this wonderful universe of relativity is God's greatest gift to us because relativity is the mechanism that allows God to know God in, as and through us, God's spirit children.
Why was the universe created in the first place? In order for God to know experientially all that God knows conceptually.
What is our purpose in that creation? So that we can experience in the physical plane all that God knows as concepts in the absolute plane. The simplicity and the symmetry of our purpose for existence all falls into place when we begin to understand who we really are and then see the logic of this voluntary amnesia that must take place when we enter this physical universe.
The metaphysical universe that was created at the same time as the physical universe allows us all to create in the same manner that God creates. So here we are creating our own lives and the world we live in in any manner that we choose. Are you happy and satisfied with your creation? Are you being served by what you have created individually and collectively as a whole? Would you like to change some of the destructive beliefs that have caused much of the trouble and turmoil in your life and the world we live in?
What if you could create your own life to be one of peace, joy and love? What if you could create a world where all people lived in harmony and the pervasive attitude was one of love instead of fear? What if you could create a world where all people had the true freedom to live a life of their own passion rather than a job of drudgery? A world where all people are honored and truly had the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Well, you do possess the power and ability to create your life and the world we live in in any manner that you choose. It is all a matter of choice.
Ask yourself this: Have I been served by my choices? and then ask yourself, Have I even been awake and aware of my individual choices?
Ask yourself this: What serves me? Do I have a roadmap of my life's intentions and desires that will allow me to see if I am being served by my choices?
Now I want you to Be what serves you. Can you begin to choose those states of beingness that truly reflect to the world the person that you choose to be?