Only Six Days For God To Create An Entire Universe?
These same people will tell you that the earth is only six thousand years old and that dinosaurs co-existed with man, or worse, that there were no dinosaurs.
And, these groups can also include people who purposely play with poisonous snakes.
Misinformed, all of them.
The Bible crosschecks its scripture with more scriptures to reveal the clear truth.
In one of those crosschecks, it tells us that one day in God's eyes is like a thousand years.
Note that it does not say one day is a thousand years, but that it is like a thousand years.
Not literal then, but metaphorical, to represent an extremely long period of time.
And being that that scripture was written over two thousand years ago, a thousand-year interval would have seemed like eons in the mental time-frames of the people at that point in history.
We know that our universe is expanding at at a reasonably constant rate.
We can mathematically calculate backwards (with a fair amount of certainty) that our universe is approximately sixteen billion years old.
It was at that time that the primordial elements (e.
proto-stars) suddenly blasted into a new universe - a new 'something' that didn't exist before that moment.
It was an event where newly created matter and energy came into being, an event that violated all the natural laws of physics.
And it would have formed an incredible blast of light.
A water-covered earth would have been formed approximately four billion years ago.
Land masses would show up about three billion years ago, and plant life about one billion.
Simple animal life would begin in the sea, in the air, and finally on land - roughly five hundred million years ago.
The dinosaurs were suddenly wiped out about twenty million years ago.
Plant life and animal life was changed dramatically when that event occurred.
'Cavemen' (who were hardly men, but in fact were far more genetically related to the chimpanzee) died out three hundred thousand years ago.
Modern man (Homo Sapiens) did not show up until only about fifty thousand years ago.
This is all extremely fascinating to me as a child of God.
Why? First of all, the Big Bang theory cannot explain how our universe came into existence because the laws that explain how our universe is ordered could not have existed until the very moment after creation.
Why is that? It's because in our entire history, man has not been able to create anything from nothing.
And yet, our best scientific minds tell us that that is just what happened.
Guess what? That is exactly what God tells us as well.
He tells us that He created everything by speaking it into existence - beginning with light.
And then God narrows His narrative mostly to the planet Earth, as that would be the only place that was relevant to the reader at that time.
God describes the formation of atmosphere, land masses, vegetation, the moon, the pattern of the stars, the fish, the birds, land animals, and finally man.
How is this exciting? It's exciting because God's recount of the formation of this universe (written four thousand years ago) is an exact match to the scientific community's description, which they've really only understood within the last century! How could God have given such an accurate account of creation without having been the Agent of it? How can science explain the exquisite order in which everything evolved? They can't.
No, God doesn't talk about dinosaurs.
They died off millions of years before man got here.
Neither does he talk about cavemen.
They died of over a quarter of a million years before man got here.
So neither of these things would be important to those living with the limited knowledge of the universe available to them at that time.
What would be important was that there is a God who created an entire universe for you, and especially this corner of our galaxy, where He spent eons making the environment perfect for the habitation of His finest and greatest creation - you.
And He still holds that limitless love for you today.
So, did God create the universe in only six days? You bet.
But they were six long God-days...
Biblical related references: 2 Pet.
3:8; Gen.
1:1; Gen.
1:3 - 26.
; Rom.