Green Roofing Markets
Historical Differences
When we think of green roofing, many of us think solar panels. In fact, a truly "green roof" is one that is made up of vegetation and earth friendly materials. Homes in European and African countries have utilized green roofs for centuries. Made up of grass, flowers or clay, many of these historical homes have been using this roofing technology since the beginning. Perhaps the best thing about this type of roofing is its little need for improvement or modernization. This roof material is highly energy conserving and reduces the need for manufactured materials. Historical roofers had no idea that their limited materials would prove to be such a highly efficient roof, providing better insulation in cold months and reflecting heat in the winter months.
The United States has always lacked a sense of historical appreciation or preservation. Built for the purposes of advancement and growth, the U.S. has aimed to be the main developer of the "bigger and better". Armed with that mindset the pilgrims set to establish a new colony, one that would bring about advanced materials and way of life. Since the beginning, America has fought hard to carve itself a place in the industrial era and manufacturing businesses. With better tools came better manufacturing process, followed by better materials. From weapons to electronics to roofing products, the trends have all followed the same path. But are these advanced materials really "better"?
A Way Of Life
Besides the historical differences in societies around the globe are cultural differences. Those who grew up with green roofs have always known their benefits and rarely experienced anything else. Even in European and African countries where these roofs are common, many have been exposed to modern buildings with modern materials. While they may not debate the modern materials ability to perform their roof-ly duties, there is still the underlying sense of environmental responsibility.
In areas like America, many people never think twice about their carbon footprint or what they are doing to impact the environment. In fact, green roofing is still a very new concept to most Americans, one that is going to require much attention and nurture if it is ever to catch on. The good news is that, despite the fast paced and constantly advancing way of life, many Americans have been exposed to green roofing efforts already. Urban areas are becoming increasingly popular for roof gardens and farms, an idea that is catching the interest of many.
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