Three Advantages of Using a Premium Theme on Your Blog
Blogs are excellent ways of promoting yourself and drawing attention to your products.
You may be curious about whether you are best to invest in a premium theme for your blog or not.
In this article, I'm going to argue three reasons why you should always seriously consider having a premium blog theme, rather than a free one.
The first reason is to increase the level of professionalism evident in your blog.
If you choose a free theme, there is a good chance that many other marketers will be using the same theme.
This doesn't help to differentiate the individuality of you and your business.
A paid theme is likely to be much more unique to you.
You may also want to use a premium theme to remove advertising links from your blog that you have not put there.
Many free themes have links in them that you simply cannot edit out.
These might go to sites that are undesirable.
They might simply compete against your own site or draw traffic away from your site.
To comply with the terms of service you will usually find that you have to leave these links it.
Therefore, having a paid theme can actually be a more cost effective solution.
The third reason for using a premium blog theme is the level of customisation available to you.
Many of the current brands of premium themes have involved control panels giving you the chance to change the layout of the blog, or of single posts, with a single kick.
This is great news if you want to further customise your blog and make it different from your competitors, even ones who happen to use the same paid theme.
Add in a unique header graphic, which need only cost you a few dollars if you outsource it, and you have something completely unique to you.
If you take this all into your account, a premium blog theme can be an excellent buffer between you paying to have a theme completed just for you, and sticking with a free theme.
Paid themes need not be expensive if you shop around for the best deals and they can give your blog a greater individuality and professional feel.
I highly recommend that you look for more exclusive themes to keep your blog looking unique.