Dashboard Widgets for Windows
Before Apple introduce dashboard in their latest Mac OS X, most of mac users already can have widget on their desktop using Konfabulator by Pixoria Inc.
"Konfabulator is a JavaScript runtime engine for Windows and Mac OS X that lets you run little files called Widgets that can do pretty much whatever you want them to.
Widgets can be alarm clocks, calculators, can tell you your WiFi signal strength, will fetch the latest stock quotes for your preferred symbols, and even give your current local weather.
" And on November 2004, Pixoria has released Konfabulator 1.
8 for both Mac and Windows platform and its instantly bringing its renowned OS X-based functions (and widgets!) to the ubiquitous Windows platform.
There is a small community in windows user that love to change their default Windows look to Mac OS X and with the availabilty of Konfabulator to run widgets, some of the talented developers has started porting Tiger Dashboard to run on windows using Konfabulator engine and the results is tremendous.
And until today, quite a number of Dashboard Widgets has being ported to run on windows using Konfabulator and other widget engine like Avedesk, Kapsules, and Stardock DesktopX.
But most of the widgets, has being ported to run on Konfabulator because the flexibility of Konfabulator engine to run various kind widgets, just like Tiger Dashboard.
Listed below, few popular widgets that has being ported to windows.
Dashboard Weather Here is my first Konfabulator Widget.
After seeing a preview of Tiger (particularly Dashboard), reading about a alternative for Windows (Konfabulator) and seeing the great work of Saladin and Ghostwalker, I decided to make my own contribution.
So here it is, the konfab clone of the weather widget.
World Clock World Clock Dashboard for Konfabulator.
Based on the Konfabulator WorldClock Pro by Ricky.
Sticky Notes Konfabulator clone of the Dashboard stickies with extras You can get more Dashboard Widgets for windows at http://www.