How to Back Up & Restore a WordPress Blog
- 1). Log in to your database server using your username and password.
- 2). Open a new terminal or command prompt window
- 3). Type "cd /path/to/restore/location" without quotation marks. Change "/path/to/restore/location" to the directory where you would like to save your files.
- 4). Type "mysqldump --add-drop-table -h mysqlhostserver -u mysqlusername -p databasename" and replace "mysqlhostserver" with the IP address of the database connection server, "mysqlusername" with your username and "databasename" with the password for the database.
- 5). Log in to your WordPress blog's back-end file in the "/wp-admin" directory of the WordPress installation.
- 6). Click "Administrative Tools," "Tools," then "Backup Panel."
- 7). Choose the tables you would like to save from the list of available system information, then click "OK" to perform automatic backup.