DIY Feeler Gauge
- 1). Select brass sheeting that measure the thicknesses that you need for your project.
- 2). Place a clean popsicle stick on top of each piece of brass and then trace the popsicle stick onto the brass sheets with a metal scratch awl.
- 3). Cut the feeler gauge out of each brass sheet with a pair of tin snips. If you surpass 1/8 inch in size, switch to a band saw to cut out the feeler gauges.
- 4). Sand the edges of the feeler gauge with a fine-tooth file to remove any burrs that could affect the thickness of the gauge.
- 5). Measure the thickness of the gauge with a micrometer and then write the thickness onto each gauge with a marker. If you choose, you can use a number punch set and punch the numbers onto the middle of each gauge.
- 6). Stack the gauges from thinnest to thickest and drill a 1/4-inch-diameter hole though one end of the stack. Secure the gauges to a key ring to keep them together, in order.