Understanding The Law Of Universe
Every living being is here to experience joy. Human consciousness is a part of Universal Consciousness. Enclosed in five layers, human consciousness is made up of five elements commonly known as Panch Tattva. Each individual has its own way of fulfilling his desire but the goal is common to experience joy. We eat food to feel satisfied (joy). In the same way, someone wanted to experience the joy of flying, he created airplane. Someone was craving for speed, he created cars. Similarly the whole world is created in the joyous state of consciousness. The major purpose of human birth is to experience joy by evidencing the core desire. As per Hindu philosophy, the soul will keep taking rebirth as long as it has not manifested its core purpose, for which it got separated from the Universal Consciousness.
On the other hand, all pain or difficulty is a symbol of deflection from core purpose. For example, disease is like a deviation to hinder the core purpose, health. Coming back to the original flow makes us free of pain or disease. On the way to manifestation of core purpose, money, power, comforts and health, are by-products.
Universal consciousness has created three elements to help us experience the joy.
2.A Cosmic Clock, consist of the solar family and the whole phenomenon of our universe, to record time of the events.
3.Earth, a manifestation ground, which is surrounded by horizontal and vertical energy lines
In simple words, a soul is a part of consciousness which comes on Earth and gets programmed as per the position of planets and stars at the particular point of time. This programming code rests in our subconscious mind and decides our future. Subconscious mind is responsible for all the bodily functions and each and every moment of our life is based on it.