How to Become a Wicca High Priestess
Work to Become a Wicca High Priestess
1Choose your coven carefully. In most groups, a high priestess is elected by vote; so it's important that you are comfortable with the people who are part of your coven.
Maximize your knowledge of Wicca. In a coven, members go to the priestess for guidance, counseling and help. If you wish to become the leader of the group at some point, you need to be able to lead the group down the right path.
Ask your coven about training opportunities. Some covens offer the chance to go through a training program, after which you would be ordained a high priestess.
Find an online training program, like the program available at (see Resources below). You may find opportunities to train for free, as well as those that require tuition payments.
Earn your place. Many women become high priestesses when their covens become too large (usually over 20 members) and must be split. In that case, one group will retain its original priestess. The new one will vote and elect a new leader.
Remember that training programs take time. It can take up to 2 years to graduate from a training program.