What Are Angel Languages?: How Do Angels Use Prayer and Telepathy?
Question: What Are Angel Languages?: How Do Angels Use Prayer and Telepathy?
Angels communicate in a variety of ways as they interact with God and human beings, and some of those ways include speaking, writing, praying, and using telepathy and music. What are angel languages? People may understand them in the form of these communication styles.
When receiving their missions from God and delivering God’s messages to people, angels may use prayer and telepathy.
Prayer is a way that both angels and people can connect with God by expressing what they have to say to God and listening to what God has to say to them. Telepathy is the process of communicating by transferring thoughts from one mind to another, without using any type of physical communication.
Prayer is a high priority for angels, who often pray to God while they’re with him in heaven, and intercede in prayer for people living on Earth. When angels visit Earth in their heavenly form, they sometimes communicate using telepathy, transferring thoughts into people’s minds without using any physical senses to communicate those thoughts. However, when angels manifest on Earth in human form and communicate with people while appearing human, they often speak as humans do, using the languages that the people they’re visiting best understand.
Physical Prayers
Angels sometimes express prayers in physical ways. Revelation 8:3-4 of the Bible describes an angel using a hand to distribute incense and deliver people’s prayers to God: “Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar.
He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all God’s people, on the golden altar in front of the throne. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand.”
Angels prostrated themselves before the first human being (Adam) and praised God after God showed them that he had given Adam knowledge that the angels didn’t have, according to chapter 2 (Al-Baqara), verses 30 to 34 of the Qur’an. The Jewish text Midrash Tehillim 88:4 describes a physical way that angels present Jewish people’s morning prayers to God: angels weave the prayers into a majestic crown that they present to God in heaven each day.
Hindu tradition says that angelic beings called devas consider how best to respond to people’s prayers by sitting down together in groups called sangam circles. Although people have expressed their prayers in physical ways (either by speaking them aloud or writing them down and leaving them near statues of the devas in shrines or temples) and the devas use a physical method (sitting down together) to consider them, the devas then move on to telepathy by transferring their thoughts about the prayers between their minds until they reach an agreement about how to answer each prayer. Finally, one deva leaves the sangam circle to visit Earth and deliver each answer to every person who had prayed.
Joan of Arc, a devout Catholic girl who helped drive the English army out of France during the Hundred Years War in the 1400s, reported that she communicated with angels physically while praying -- sometimes seeing them, and sometimes hearing their voices speak to give her guidance. But even though Joan’s efforts to help her country were successful, the English eventually captured her and condemned her to be burned at the stake under a charge of sorcery. Referring to prayer, Joan said: “I die for speaking the language of the angels."
Mental Telepathy
Angels sometimes use telepathy to pray, or to deliver messages in response to prayers. During telepathy, angels transfer thoughts from their minds to other minds -- to people, and perhaps also to other angels or even to God’s divine mind. The thoughts that angels transfer may be verbal, but they don’t have to involve words. Telepathic thoughts may also be in the form of images or even feelings that angels pass along, mind to mind.
When angels appear to people during near-death experiences, they usually communicate via telepathy, says the book Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences by Jeffrey Long, MD. The book mentions that telepathy "takes place during almost all near-death experiences in which communication is described."
In the mystical form of Judaism known as Kabbalah, angels use telepathy to pass people’s prayers up the different ranks of angels until they reach God himself. The lowest-ranking angels, who are believed to be at the level of human thoughts (considered the highest type of human communication), telepathically receive the thoughts that people express in their prayers and speak those thoughts to the angels that rank just above them. Then those angels pass the prayers up to higher-ranking angels, until the prayers that the lowest angels discerned telepathically reach the highest level of expression: God hears them.
Angels may also use telepathy to communicate with people through meditative prayer. Buddhists believe that when they meditate, angelic beings called boddhisatvas sometimes place divine thoughts in their minds to help enlighten them. Boddhisatvas, who Buddhists say were once people but who achieved enlightenment and now live in an angelic state, also use telepathy to add their good thoughts to the good thoughts the people express through meditative prayer. Those additional prayers then may strengthen people’s original prayers, making them more likely to achieve good results.
Some people believe that angels can read people’s minds through telepathy and then join people in spiritual dialogues that may take place entirely through telepathy, transferring information back and forth from mind to mind. People may think of specific questions to ask angels, and then open themselves up to receiving angels’ answers in the form of new thoughts entering their minds.
Jews and Christians, however, caution people against opening their minds to angels without knowing whether or not those angels are faithful or fallen. 1 John 4:1 of the Bible urges: “… do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God… ”.
God has the power to read people’s minds, states the ancient Jewish text 2 Esdras 16:54: “Behold, the LORD knows all the works of men, their imaginations, their thoughts, and their hearts.” The Bible affirms that in several verses, such as Luke 5:22, which states: “Jesus perceived their thoughts.” So Jews and Christians often encourage people to direct the prayers that they pray in their minds to God himself rather than to angels, unless they're certain that they're connecting with a holy angel such as their guardian angel.