Diagnosing Tree Problems
Intervention in many decay situations usually only makes it worse. What is needed is to ascertain the degree of decay and whether or not the tree is structurally sound enough to continue to safely stand in the environment.
Some diseases like oak wilt are "treatable." Properly applied chemical fungicides in the early stages of the disease can suppress it - but not cure it. (Oak wilt can be prevented but not cured.)
Most insect problems in trees are not problems at all. Reoccurring annual or cyclical infestations of caterpillars in oak trees for example don't need to be treated. Some insects are indicators of stress in trees. Solve the stress problem and the insect problem may resolve itself.
Seasonal infestations of insects like web worms in pecans can be prevented with systemic insecticides injected directly into the tree.
Proper treatments when needed often solve the problem with a single treatment. Some problems will require more than one visit. Our use of organic products that work with nature instead of against nature are far more effective than many treatments employing harsh chemicals.