Is There Such A Thing As "Real" Training In A Network Marketing Company?
When you are new, this does nothing for you. Hearing about how excited the other people are about the business you just joined might be good to validate that it's possible to make some money with the company, but what does it really do to train you? Absolutely nothing. So after that first call people usually stop calling in and then feeling lost, they quit.
And if you are experienced in the business, these meetings don't do a lot for you either. There really isn't going to be anything for you to learn on these calls. And unless someone hears you talk and decides to join your organization versus that of the person who brought them to the call, that does nothing for you either. You would be much better served showing these people that you are a leader by working with them 1 on 1, instead of just being a company spokesperson (unless you are being paid for your testimonial).
After learning that these training calls were a waste of time, I decided to do something different for my downline. Each week we would get together and I would bring in a true expert in the field. I am talking about someone who had built teams in excess of 10,000 and made at least a million a year. For 30-60 minutes I would grill this person about what made them successful and the content they would reveal would be amazing. Since I was introducing people to these experts, they viewed me as a leader.
News traveled fast and it wasn't long before everyone wanted to be on the calls (even people who weren't in my organization). People new to network marketing wanted to join my opportunity, because they were finally able to have a weekly call that provided them some amazing content. And experienced marketers from every company wanted to work with me, because they now had a real place to send their teams that weren't just recruiting calls. This helped not only to grow their businesses, but helped them to retain team members as well. And since people were directing them to this great free resource, they were now viewed as an authority and leader in their companies.
I kept the calls generic so that they would be of benefit to anyone in any company. As many people as there were that knew about the calls, they were still by approval only. But I took calls from reps from every company and whether they joined my opportunity or not I allowed them to attend the calls, providing their intentions from learning from me were to help the industry and not just for selfish reasons.
Everyone on these calls benefited in one way or another. I know of no other person who was basically paying to train reps from other companies. But I learned many years ago that in order for the industry to succeed, we all have to help each other.
Search out resources like this. Don't think that just because they are free that they are of no value. In fact, they will be worth way more than what you can get through your company. Having access to the best in the world (and not just in your company) will give you a much better perspective on what it takes to succeed.