How to Troubleshoot Door Locks in a 2004 Toyota Camry
- 1). Remove the fuse panel cover located on the left side of the dash near the steering column. Attach the battery clips of your automotive circuit tester to the battery. Test the power door lock fuse by touching the probe end of the tester to the test pins on the top of the fuse. With the ignition key on, the fuse should show power on both sides of the fuse. If there is power indicated on one side and ground on the other side, replace the fuse.
- 2). Insert a small screwdriver under the driver side switch bezel to press the retaining latch and pop the switch assembly out of the door panel. Unplug the electrical connector for the door lock switch from the bottom of the switch assembly.
- 3). Remove the door panel using a screwdriver to unscrew the retaining screws and pulling the panel to unsnap it from the door. Unplug the door lock solenoid. Actuate the switch in both directions while testing for power at the solenoid. Power is supplied to one wire on the solenoid when the switch is in the unlock position and the other wire when the switch is in the lock position. If power is supplied by the switch in both directions, replace the actuator solenoid.
- 4). Refer to the pin chart in the wiring diagram for the positions of the terminals in the switch. Using a digital volt/ohm meter, test for continuity between the No. 2 and No. 4 terminals in the switch when the switch is pushed to the lock position. Test for continuity at terminals No. 2 and No. 3 when the switch is pressed to the unlock position. Replace the switch if continuity isn't found in both directions.