How to Know What Is Happening Inside Your Brain
In order to know what is happening in your brain you must find a way to penetrate it.
There was no such way, until the end of the last century, when Carl Jung discovered the extraordinary power of dreams.
The unconscious mind that produces our dreams shows us in dream images everything that is happening inside our brain.
Psychiatrists and neurologists have only an external vision of the human brain.
They observe its chemical reactions, without being able to understand what provoked them.
This is the same as if they were trying to fix a machine without opening it and observing its mechanism.
Their suppositions and theories cannot explain why our thoughts and our behavior are affected by various chemical combinations.
They try to understand abnormal behavior by making connections to known behavioral patterns, and by comparing the absurd reactions they are analyzing to reactions that are considered as being normal.
However, they don't really know what should be considered normal or abnormal in many situations.
Psychologists also have a limited vision.
They try to deal with their patients' psychological problems without understanding their real roots.
This is why they are afraid to give them clear advice.
The truth is that the entire mindset of our civilization is based on absurd conclusions because it is based on the conclusions of various individuals who protect their ego.
However, our ego is absurd; it leads us to craziness and despair.
This is why our world is ruled by violence, terrorism, immorality and hypocrisy.
Fortunately, Jung's research and discoveries concerning the meaning of dreams opened a new horizon for humanity.
I continued his research, completing his arduous mission.
I clarified all the obscure points that he couldn't explain after I discovered the anti-conscience, our wild conscience, which provokes mental illnesses and mental disorders within our conscience.
This discovery was possible only because I precisely followed the unconscious guidance in dream messages, without taking into consideration my own thoughts and personal conclusions.
My attitude was totally different from the attitude of proud scientists who believe that they 'know' many things about the human brain, even though they ignore many others.
I understood that I was ignorant and absurd, and that I had to learn everything from the beginning, based only on the unconscious lessons.
This is why today you can clearly understand what is happening inside your brain as if you were an observer, by analyzing the meaning of your dreams.
Now you can clearly understand which thoughts are absurd.
Now you can also understand the causes of all the behavioral abnormalities that are torturing you.
The unconscious psychotherapy shows you the entire truth, showing you also how to acquire sound mental health that lasts for life.
The wise unconscious mind that produces your dream has a divine origin, and is the only doctor you can absolutely trust.
All psychiatrists, neurologists and psychologists must indispensably follow the superior unconscious guidance in order to effectively help their patients.
You can help yourself the same way, simply by following the unconscious guidance in your dreams, without anyone else's help.
The unconscious mind is the only doctor who can cure all mental illnesses and mental disorders.
This happens because the absurdity we inherit in the anti-conscience is too vast.
The discovery of the anti-conscience's existence and the discovery of the divine origin of the unconscious mind are going to completely change the way we deal with psychological problems and behavioral abnormalities in our world.
There was no such way, until the end of the last century, when Carl Jung discovered the extraordinary power of dreams.
The unconscious mind that produces our dreams shows us in dream images everything that is happening inside our brain.
Psychiatrists and neurologists have only an external vision of the human brain.
They observe its chemical reactions, without being able to understand what provoked them.
This is the same as if they were trying to fix a machine without opening it and observing its mechanism.
Their suppositions and theories cannot explain why our thoughts and our behavior are affected by various chemical combinations.
They try to understand abnormal behavior by making connections to known behavioral patterns, and by comparing the absurd reactions they are analyzing to reactions that are considered as being normal.
However, they don't really know what should be considered normal or abnormal in many situations.
Psychologists also have a limited vision.
They try to deal with their patients' psychological problems without understanding their real roots.
This is why they are afraid to give them clear advice.
The truth is that the entire mindset of our civilization is based on absurd conclusions because it is based on the conclusions of various individuals who protect their ego.
However, our ego is absurd; it leads us to craziness and despair.
This is why our world is ruled by violence, terrorism, immorality and hypocrisy.
Fortunately, Jung's research and discoveries concerning the meaning of dreams opened a new horizon for humanity.
I continued his research, completing his arduous mission.
I clarified all the obscure points that he couldn't explain after I discovered the anti-conscience, our wild conscience, which provokes mental illnesses and mental disorders within our conscience.
This discovery was possible only because I precisely followed the unconscious guidance in dream messages, without taking into consideration my own thoughts and personal conclusions.
My attitude was totally different from the attitude of proud scientists who believe that they 'know' many things about the human brain, even though they ignore many others.
I understood that I was ignorant and absurd, and that I had to learn everything from the beginning, based only on the unconscious lessons.
This is why today you can clearly understand what is happening inside your brain as if you were an observer, by analyzing the meaning of your dreams.
Now you can clearly understand which thoughts are absurd.
Now you can also understand the causes of all the behavioral abnormalities that are torturing you.
The unconscious psychotherapy shows you the entire truth, showing you also how to acquire sound mental health that lasts for life.
The wise unconscious mind that produces your dream has a divine origin, and is the only doctor you can absolutely trust.
All psychiatrists, neurologists and psychologists must indispensably follow the superior unconscious guidance in order to effectively help their patients.
You can help yourself the same way, simply by following the unconscious guidance in your dreams, without anyone else's help.
The unconscious mind is the only doctor who can cure all mental illnesses and mental disorders.
This happens because the absurdity we inherit in the anti-conscience is too vast.
The discovery of the anti-conscience's existence and the discovery of the divine origin of the unconscious mind are going to completely change the way we deal with psychological problems and behavioral abnormalities in our world.