Teens and Instant Love
In fact, many teens equate sex with love.
We have become an instant society, why shouldn't a teen relationship move instantly to sex? We have instant fast food, instant communication, instant information, why not instant sex? As adults, many of us know that love and relationships take time.
So then how do we communicate and inform an instant generation of teens to take time to make and form relationships that last before committing a quick, relationship-changing act? First of all, we must educate our teens about appropriate relationships.
Most teens are undecided about sex and by giving them correct information they may abstain.
This means we must be involved in their lives.
Currently they get their information about sex and love from television, Internet, and radio.
By now, we as adults have come to realize that reality TV is not reality at all.
But do our teens, who are in their formative years, understand or comprehend this? Second, we must help our teens set standards, help them make goals and decisions about their sexuality before their hormones begin to rage.
Give them expectations.
Help them draw the line before they have to make a decision in the heat of the moment.
Talk about love and respect for one another go hand in hand.
Respecting one another's bodies and lives, means waiting to have sex.
And finally, in order to teach teens about sex and love, we must be willing to love our teens and teach them about grace and forgiveness.
We all make mistakes.
Everyday is a new day.
Love means waiting until each one involved in the relationship is ready and able to commit to raising a child, for a lifetime.
Love means not acting on the instantaneous animalistic response, but waiting and thinking first.