Knowing About Psychological Needs of a Woman is Useful to Seduce a Woman You Love
In fact, there is not a master key that can solve the mystery of psychological need of a woman in the world.
The following describe just some of the basic psychological need of a woman.
If you want to catch a woman's heart, you should know a bit of psychological need of a woman and make a concrete analysis of concrete problems.
In this way, you can seize a woman's heart and pick the seductive flower of love.
Most women prefer a forthright expression.
Although they are supposed to be kind of reserved when they encounter a forthright expression at first date, they would find that such a man is full of charm and hard to refuse.
On the contrary, they hate beating around the bush, hesitant, and implicit.
Therefore, if you want to invite a woman, you must be frank with her.
If she really does not like you, she will let you know by implication, or find other reasons to reject you.
If she keeps silent, she will definitely not refuse your invitation.
At the same time, you have to make her feel "it is because that she is unable to find reason to refuse you.
" In this way, you can comfort her.
Women do not like their secrets revealed.
Women have a psychological defense instinct.
They often carefully conceal their real intention from others.
They do not like their secrets revealed.
If a man tries to be smart and points out a woman's secret without preamble, she will feel repulsion for you.
Therefore, in the pursuit of a woman, you must master the art of talking and allusive references.
Women have a natural instinct of psychological defense and remain very wary of men.
Men that they do not like fall into two broad categories.
A sort of men are idiotic and boring in front of women.
The others are glib and spread theirselves exaggeratedly.
These two sorts of people are both not natural.
Therefore, men should keep quietly chic and natural qualities and cultured in order to eliminate a woman's psychological defense and win a woman's heart.
Women generally lack self-determination and they want to find a safe haven.
They like men of having fortitude, bravery, passion, brightness, sense of responsibility.
They disdain the timid, indecisive, hesitant men.
Therefore, men should fully demonstrate excellent qualities in front of women.
In general, if a woman's life is tame, she will look forward to some unexpected things to add some spices to life.
Thus they do not like stereotypes.
Of course, before you meet this demand of her, you must first let her believe that you are a level-headed and moderate man rationally.
Then you can change the established practices and create new ideas in order to make your love full of spices.
Otherwise your behavior may be so self-defeating that a woman makes a frivolous impression on you.
Women's emotion is easily infected by speakers.
If you understand this psychology, you will know that one of the ways of winning a woman's heart is a skilled conversation.
When you are talking with a woman, your subjective feelings about the topic should always permeate through the whole conversation in order to improve her interest in what you say and create a happy atmosphere.
It must be pointed out that you should not suppress your feelings and extinguish the fire of enthusiasm.
Women like genuine care and complaisance.
I must emphasize the word "genuine".
Women like gentle violence.