How to Become Peaceful with Yourself? - The Little Prince Series
Whenever I have been able to lay my anxiety aside in difficult situations, I have observed that life has exhibited an amazing ability to send me exactly what I required at the precise moment I required it.
Over a period of years I noticed that things always worked out for my ultimate benefit, even though at the time I stressed about them.
The time came when I finally realized that all my thought, my stewing, my worrying was accomplishing absolutely nothing.
With this realization came the ability to relax into life, simply allowing it to be what it is,not what I think I need it to be so I can be "at peace" in myself.
I discovered the truth of an insight shared by Paul of Tarsus in the first century, which is that the peace of God surpasses our ability to comprehend it. When we are simply present, fully accepting our circumstances, a wonderful peace suffuses us no matter what we are going through.
In this peaceful, accepting, non-resisting, relaxed state, whatever we need comes to us.
The Little Prince lives on a tiny planet, which is actually so small that it's classed as an asteroid. So he needs a small sheep that doesn't need a whole lot of grass to graze on.
The pilot had attempted three drawings of sheep that were mentally conceived, whereas now he draws a fourth sheep that flows spontaneously from the core of his being, even though it's not logically the way you would draw a sheep for someone who has asked for a drawing of a sheep.
Because the pilot has drawn this sheep guided solely by consciousness and not by thought or "efforting," he has automatically drawn a very small sheep—precisely what the Little Prince requires.
In any situation we face in life, the key is to allow ourselves simply to be.
When we are present in this moment instead of projecting into the future, the knowledge and other requirements we need to deal with a situation we are in comes to us spontaneously and effortlessly right when we need it.
To be conscious is like having a built-in GPS system. All the instructions we require come to us as an inner knowing.
If there is information we need, we are guided to that information.
If contacts are required, they show up in our life without us having to manipulate to bring this about.
You see this natural proclivity for insight to flow from our center with so many scientists, inventors, musicians, artists—in fact people in all fields of life who have made a truly positive contribution to humanity.
A sudden and often unexpected flash of insight gives these groundbreaking individuals what they need to know.
For instance, you've heard of Archimedes' principle. Apparently Archimedes was relaxing in his bathtub watching the water rise when inner knowing suddenly gave him what he had been wanting to understand. He was so excited that he jumped out of the tub and ran naked through the streets of Athens shouting, "I got it!"
Inner knowing springs to life right on schedule as long as we don't fret and stew—as long as we relax like the sheep in the crate.
Circumstances unfold in ways that benefit us beyond our comprehension, and all without any manipulation on our part.
It's time to begin living life crated and ready to be carried by life's flow, completely free of resistance, fully present in a relaxed experience of the now.
*Note: If you have difficulty relaxing into your true being, you'll be helped by David's book Your Forgotten Self Mirrored in Jesus the Christ. It's all about becoming as peacefully present in each moment of our life as Jesus was, which is an experience of heaven on Earth.