The Power of Ninety

The Power of Ninety is not what it seems, think of it this way, ten is the 10 percent that we give in tithes. Ninety is the percent that is left and what we do with it is the power of Ninety! Or like David Green says, The power of ninety cents is greater than the dollar.
Tithing is expected from us to support the work of the Church, Giving is over and above the tithes and what we do with it can be powerful.
This story is about how God works through people who practice giving over and above. It is also about how God works through people like Oral Roberts, The Green family and Mark Rutland.
ORU in trouble:
Oral Roberts University was in financial distress, $70 million in debt and lawsuits pending. With rumors of misused funds the closing of ORU seemed close at hand.
In 1981 the City of faith Medical and Research Center opened with a 60-story hospital but closed in 1989 because of financial problems.
In 1986 the university closed its law school and gave the library to another Bible College.
And in 2007 Richard Roberts took a leave of absence over a lawsuit filed by former ORU professors.
The operation budget for 2007-2008 was more than $82 million and student enrollment is down.
Was Oral Roberts' message from God wrong or the wrong people in charge? Large schools and Churches are no different form large business when it comes to management. The larger the organization the harder it becomes to keep expenses and employees under control.
Just when you think all is lost and a vision gone, God steps in with a plan.
Hobby Lobby Executive:
Some have referred to Mart Green as An Angel for ORU and this may be true. Mart Green, and his brother Steve Green have stepped up to the plate to do Gods work at ORU. Mart Green is now the Board Chair for ORU. And Steve Green, Hobby Lobby Executive is now a member of the Board of Reference at ORU.
They have stepped in with aid to get Oral Roberts University out of financial distress and build a foundation of economic stability. The Green family donated $70 million to bail out ORU, but the
most important thing they bring to ORU is sound management skills that made Hobby Lobby what it is today.

David Green, father of Mart and Steve, started the art supply store Hobby Lobby in 1972. When the Oklahoma economy declined in 1985, David brought the family together to discuss the survival of the business. The company was built on sound financial and business plans plus a
faith in God that guides company decisions. David was the only child out of six that did not either become a minister or marry a minister. However, David carried the example of giving
shown by his mother, Marie, into the business world. After some major changes and a decision to simplify its line of products, Hobby Lobby returned to record profits in 1986. Through endurance and faithful giving the company has grown in thirty-six years to 407 stores with 2007 sales of about $1.8 Billion. With Steve Green serving as president in their Oklahoma City headquarters.
In 1998 Hobby Lobby joined other Christian-owned stores in a policy of closing on Sunday. The company has donated property for hospitals, churches and other ministries. They also funded the
movie project, "End of the Spear," and a follow up documentary, "Through Gates of Splendor."
The Green family believes in supporting a few ministries well rather than giving a small amount to many.
but personal support as well. They had no prior connection with ORU and felt that the university was worth saving as an institution for building faith. Steve Green stated, "We don't need fewer colleges or institutions building faith - we need more of them."
Listen to Intreview with Bart Green
Retired Missionary:
Successful business and institutions look for the best people to be in charge. The Green family found one of the best when they recruited Dr. Mark Rutland. During the last 10 years he has brought Southeastern University of Lakeland, Florida to one of the most respected and well known Christian liberal arts colleges in the world.
Part of the package was an additional $10 million donation to Southeastern University by the Green family.
Dr. Mark Rutland is the right man for the job. If you look at the web site for ORU, you will see a picture of the new president talking
with a group of the students. This is where you will find Dr. Rutland almost every day. He will get to know not only many of the students but all of the faculty as well. The Mission Statement for Southeastern makes this apparent, "Southeastern, a dynamic, Christ-centered university, fosters student success by integrating personal faith and higher learning. Within our loving Pentecostal community, we challenge students to a live time of good work and of preparing professionally so they can creatively serve their generation in the Sprit of Christ."
He also brings the experience needed for the growth that is coming to ORU. God has been preparing Mark Rutland for just such a task. As a missionary and founder of Global Servants, with strong mission and evangelism efforts in Thailand and West Africa. With his wife, Alison, they have taken time to conduct Couples' Conference on a regular basis. In a typical month in 2005 Dr. Mark Rutland preached in Canada, North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Maryland and South Carolina. And I know that the students at ORU will be hearing him preach at most of the chapel meetings.

Mark is well rounded with many interests, one is the love of music. He said, "Willie Nelson's soulful rendition of Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain touches me any time I hear it. It is one of my favorite songs but one that is little known and even less appreciated." He reads books on many subjects on a regular basis and plans ahead for future projects. He once told us that during his years as a minister he would lock himself into a Motel Room for a week and outline all of his sermons for the coming year.
As a manager, I cannot think of a better person to work for. I have heard many on the staff at Southeastern talk at length about working with him. He can and will make decisions, bring in the right people for the job at hand and bring the leadership that is required to manage the great university, Oral Roberts University.
Oral Roberts used his power of Ninety to establish ORU. The Green family used their power of Ninety to save ORU. Mark Rutland will use his power of Ninety to place ORU on God's path for the future. When we give of our time and money over and above what is required, great things happen!
God brought these strong men and women of God together in order to continue the work that
affects thousands of students who attend Oral Roberts University. I can assure you from personal
experience that under the leadership of Mark Rutland, ORU will grow and prosper. I have seen that at Southeastern University, and at our own church, Mt. Paran North Church of God, during the leadership of Pastor Rutland.