Camping Toilet - Invest In Convenience
A camping toilet is not the most important pieces of camping equipment that you will own, but it is certainly very useful and hence high up on many people's camping wish lists. One of the main problems with camping can be a lack of toilet and shower facilities in the campsite that you are staying at. It is a fact of life that we have to go to the toilet, but still to this day, many campsites still lack suitable toilet and shower facilities.
Camping is both fun and enjoyable and should not be spoilt by something as simple as just going to the toilet. So to be safe rather than sorry a good idea is to buy yourself a camping toilet. The camping toilet is both useful for it's convenience and health reasons. Also in the long run the camping toilet will pay for itself many times over. They are easy to use as well as being very easy to transport and store.
There are many types of the camping toilet out there in the market place today for you to choose from such as the Kampa Porta Flush 10 litre. This camping toilet is a 10 litre toilet ideal for adults with it's standard adult sized seat. It is very well constructed with the toilet walls being extremely thick.. The waste holding tank can cope with 10 litres of waste with the additional fresh water tank being able to hold 12 litres of fresh water. These amounts should enable you to have about 50 flushes of the toilet before you need to empty it.
This Kampa is very easy to clean and use. Both side latches are quick release for convenience when emptying the tanks. Both the latches also happen to be heavy duty and non corrosive guaranteeing you many years of use. And to prevent any accidents such as leakages both the tanks are one piece constructions without any seams. So if you are planning on going on a camping, trip don't risk spoiling your trip by not having a camping toilet. Make sure you are not caught out and make a small financial investment for a large slice of peace of mind. Add the camping toilet to your camping wish list now.
Camping is both fun and enjoyable and should not be spoilt by something as simple as just going to the toilet. So to be safe rather than sorry a good idea is to buy yourself a camping toilet. The camping toilet is both useful for it's convenience and health reasons. Also in the long run the camping toilet will pay for itself many times over. They are easy to use as well as being very easy to transport and store.
There are many types of the camping toilet out there in the market place today for you to choose from such as the Kampa Porta Flush 10 litre. This camping toilet is a 10 litre toilet ideal for adults with it's standard adult sized seat. It is very well constructed with the toilet walls being extremely thick.. The waste holding tank can cope with 10 litres of waste with the additional fresh water tank being able to hold 12 litres of fresh water. These amounts should enable you to have about 50 flushes of the toilet before you need to empty it.
This Kampa is very easy to clean and use. Both side latches are quick release for convenience when emptying the tanks. Both the latches also happen to be heavy duty and non corrosive guaranteeing you many years of use. And to prevent any accidents such as leakages both the tanks are one piece constructions without any seams. So if you are planning on going on a camping, trip don't risk spoiling your trip by not having a camping toilet. Make sure you are not caught out and make a small financial investment for a large slice of peace of mind. Add the camping toilet to your camping wish list now.