Lake Tulloch RV Campground, Jamestown, CA Rating
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pogchop - I found this campground through word-of-mouth for the lake. I camped there in August 2000.
Campground Review
I think this is a great campground because you can send the kids to the store, about 200 yards away, for a slurpie. It's close to the water and has a nice launch ramp. Some sites have a good view of the launch ramp and it's fun to watch the people. They also have a good store, restaurant, and hot showers.
The lake isn't that great (small and gets too rough for skiing easily) but it's a fun place to visit and has lots of homes on the water.
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pogchop - I found this campground through word-of-mouth for the lake. I camped there in August 2000.
Campground Review
I think this is a great campground because you can send the kids to the store, about 200 yards away, for a slurpie. It's close to the water and has a nice launch ramp. Some sites have a good view of the launch ramp and it's fun to watch the people. They also have a good store, restaurant, and hot showers.
The lake isn't that great (small and gets too rough for skiing easily) but it's a fun place to visit and has lots of homes on the water.
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