Chamber of Commerce Fund Raising Ideas
- Hold a tournament as a fund-raiser. If you are near a golf course, then have a golf tournament. Charge $100 per foursome, or whatever will help you make money based on the course's fees. If you don't have a golf course, you can have a chess tournament for the people in your community. Have different age groups so that even kids can play. Charge anywhere between $10 to $25 to participate in this kind of tournament.
- If you have a large middle class and upper class in your town, then hold an auction. Call local museums, artists and other organizations and ask if they would be willing to donate something to your auction. Or people in the Chamber can each donate something of value that can be auctioned off. This works in places with more income because these auctions can raise lots of money with the right upscale items.
- Have each person in the Chamber write down one of two of their best recipes. If they can include pictures as well, that is even better. Then compile all these and make a cookbook. Sell this book at bookstores and grocery stores throughout your community. You can also sell them at Chamber events. This may not raise lots of money at one time, but it is something that will bring in funds every year that you have the book up for sale.
- Put on a theater production in your town. Find someone who is a playwright and will write a play for little or no money. Then get everyone to pitch in and build the set as well as act. You can even work with a local theater troupe and split the profits. Sell tickets well in advance so that you get the highest attendance possible.
- Talk to local artists and galleries to coordinate an art show. This can be held at your Chamber facilities so you don't have to rent out a venue. People will pay $5 to get in, but they also have to option to purchase these pieces. This gets your local artists recognition as well as helps fund your Chamber of Commerce.