Make Money Online Blogging With the Right Niche
The initial signing up to Wordpress and downloading your files from them is free but you will have to pay for a domain and hosting - although this is a cost it will not set you back a huge amount of money, use 123-Reg or HostGator for this.
Choosing the right Niche for the Content of your Blog: Think about what subject or niche you are going to cover in your blog.
A lot of people make a huge mistake when they start blogging because they start to use just one blog to display a variety of their views and thoughts covering a huge array of subjects.
It is much better to pick one of your stronger interests and base your blog entirely on that.
For example if you start a blog that covers Graphic Design, Illustration, Tennis, Fitness, Computing and Scrapbooking because these just happen to be your hobbies you will struggle to find someone who shares the exact same interest.
Someone who likes Graphic Design may well enjoy reading about Illustration but could hate Tennis and never visit that section of your site.
This will result in a loss of interest and a decrease in readers because the moment you start to focus more on writing about Tennis those Graphic Designers will flee and look for another blog to follow.
A better idea would be to choose one of those hobbies as a niche for your blog so that you can focus primarily on that subject.
Then you will find your readers and followers to be a lot more loyal because everything on the blog is of great interest to them.
People will only return to your blog if you are helping them with there own success.
As ruthless as that sounds people aren't just going to return to your blog if they haven't learnt something from the information.
This is why comments can be hugely uplifting because you have touched and motivated someone so much that they just have to tell you about it and chat with you.
If you are not to keen on writing for a living and want your content to be written for you, although it does not come recommended you can pay a highly professional writer to write your blog posts covering any subject you wish at Elance.
If you want to start taking Blogging and Internet Marketing seriously and honestly think it is something you would like to learn more about check out my Internet Marketing Blog where everything is explained in great detail to get you on the right path to online success - Click Here for more information.