How to Recycle Christmas Cards
- 1). Cut the front panel of Christmas cards into different shapes using cookie cutters as stencils. Punch a hole in the top of each cutout and hang the cards on your Christmas tree using a ribbon.
- 2). Slice the front of a rectangular Christmas card into three long strips. Cover each strip in clear shelf liner paper, about half an inch larger than the strip all the way around. Punch a hole in one of the ends of the covered strips and tie a ribbon or tassel through it for a pretty bookmark. If you are giving them as gifts, write a message on the back of the bookmark before you cover it in shelf paper.
- 3). Cut off the front of some Christmas cards that are between 3 1/2 x 5 inches and 4 1/4 x 6 inches. Make sure there is no writing on the back of these. Send them as cheerful holiday postcards by making a dividing line down the back. These are thoughtful gifts to give to shut-ins or people in nursing homes to send to their loved ones.
- 4). Use decorative scrapbooking scissors and cut gift tags out of the fronts of several Christmas cards. There's no need to spend money on something that will just be thrown away, and these will look adorable.
- 5). Cut out pictures from a collection of Christmas cards and place them in collage fashion onto a piece of construction paper. Cover with clear shelf paper for a one-of-a-kind holiday placemat. If you are making these for your children you can cut their names out of a coordinating color of construction paper and place it on the collage.