Knowing When and Ways to Propose Marriage
The most important thing, however, is to be able to tell when’s the right time to make a marriage proposal. While the act of proposing itself is not rocket science, it is essential to develop the instinct for perfect timing, coupled with better knowledge and ways to propose marriage.
How can you tell if it’s the right time to propose marriage? Here are some signs:
• When there’s frequent talk of the future and plans are discussed in more specific terms • When the subject of children enters into the conversation
• When there’s talk about buying a home
• When both agree that a joint savings account is a good idea
• When suggestions for a honeymoon come up
• When one of you suddenly utters, “I think it’s time we settled down.”
• When suggestions are made that parents of both man and woman should get together and one gets introduced to the “other” family and extended family during a fancy dinner
• When the two of you are looking at a jewelry catalog
• When one gives an ultimatum such as “make a commitment now or I take a hike.” The excitement of proposing to your favorite person can make you follow more traditional ways of popping the question, because you’re shy or don’t have time to think, but there are certainly many unique ways to propose marriage. We’ve got a handful of “how to propose marriage” ideas that you can use or improvise on:
• Send a live singer to her office. The live singer tells her that he’s got a message for her. The singer then sings a romantic tune and hands her a piece of paper with your proposal;
• Have someone from a jewelry store call her to request that she drop by the store so her finger can be measured and so that she can select the setting she wants for her engagement ring;
• Request her to pick up your suit at the dry cleaner’s. When she gets to the dry cleaner, she doesn’t get a suit but a tiny box. The dry cleaner clerk hands her a receipt saying “here’s your receipt” but at the back of the receipt is the question you handwrote earlier: “will you be my wife?” Talking about perfect ways to propose marriage…
• Invite her for dinner. When it’s time for dessert, put the boxed ring on the dessert plate. (This idea probably has been used so many times in the movies.) See, you’ve just received four free marriage proposal ideas. You can come up with your own version. All it takes are creativity and some knowhow, and the next thing you know; “how to propose marriage” becomes a second nature to you.
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