Infant Mind Development Phases.

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A baby in the womb gets started developing its mind from the development of stem cells. All encompassing stem cells are unique, because they provide the functionality to develop into any cell that we have use for in the body, like blood cells, heart cells or brain cells. The majority of mind cells or neurons that are developing in pregnancy stage will keep with us throughout our life, as opposed to any different cell in the body.

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A baby in the womb of a month is developing 500,000 mind cells or neurons each 60 seconds! These developing mind cells or neurons are given their rightful spot in the mind by connecting with of supplementary cells called glia cells. From 16 weeks and forward the cells or neurons will begin establishing bonds to other cells or neurons. They work on this at a speed of two million bonds per second. This linking of the cells or neurons goes according to a genetic plan, passed down from mother and father, and their parents.

At roughly the third trimester of fetal development the cleaning up starts. In this phase the mind will begin trimming away certain bonds, while enhancing different ones. This function appears to be to ensure that only the strongest continue to function, since the cells or neurons that make up the very first connection will remain while the different ones that were assigned to establish the same connection, but made an error, will cease to exist. As with genetic evolution, survival of the fittest.

Brain Development

At the end of pregnancy a kid's mind is smaller than 1 lb, roughly a third of the weight of the fully developed mind. Imagining a component of the mind no more significant than a thumb tack, it holds approximately 10,000 cells or neurons. As the kid is born the senses will begin developing, of which vision will be the last.

Of the entire development of the mind, four fifths will take place since the end of pregnancy. Additionally, the pruning of bonds, will now work with signals from the environment instead of solely genetics. Scientific research projects have shown that when a kid receives immediate feedback connected to a movement to perform something new, like producing a sound, it will learn faster than when no feedback is taken in.

Healthy Brain

Following when the kid is out of the womb it will make use of roughly seventy percent 70% of the nutrients it ingests for the development of the mind. This makes sense of why newborns are usually asleep in these first periods, due to all of the energy they take in is used for the development of the mind and entire body.

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