Fire Starting: Back to the Basics
This article is more for the survivalist in you. Anyone can start a fire with matches or a lighter but how many of you can say you can start one with just friction? with a mirror? Well I guess I can offer one piece of advice for those of you who want to go the easy route; air flow is key.I'm only going to cover two methods of friction based fire starting; The Hand Drill and the Bow Drill. Friction fire starting is the hardest of the non match, non lighter fire starting methods. It uses a stick you'll need to spin (called the spindle) and a board you spin it on (called the fireboard). Cedar, willow, walnut and cypress make good sets. None of these are ideal for making a camping fire, unless of course, you're really roughing it that weekend or are stranded in the wilderness.
Friction Methods
The Hand Drill: This method is the most difficult of the friction technique.
The first thing you do is build a tinder nest which will be used to catch the spark you're about to create. Whatever you use needs to be dry whether it's grass, wood or even a tampon. Next, cut a v-shaped notch into your fireboard and make a small depression right next to it. Place a piece of bark underneath the notch that will be used to catch the ember from the friction. Finally, place the spindle into the depression on your fireboard and start rolling the spindle between your hands. Keep pressure on the board and make sure the spindle is at least two feet long. Once you see a glowing ember, tap the fireboard to drop the ember onto the piece of bark then transfer the bark to your tinder nest and blow on it to start your fire.
The Bow Drill: This method is by far the most efficient because it's easier to maintain speed and pressure.
The first thing you need to get is a socket. The socket is used to put pressure on the other end of the spindle and it's best to use a piece of wood or stone for this. You can use sap as a lubricant between the socket and spindle. Now make the bow. It should be about the length of your arm and be a flexible piece of wood with a curve. The string can be anything from a shoelace to a vine; it just needs to be something that won't break. Now cut the v-shaped notch in the fireboard and place the tinder underneath it. Finally catch the spindle in the loop of the bow string, apply pressure to the socket, and start sawing back and forth. Keep sawing until you create an ember, then place it on the tender and start blowing to create the fire.
Lens Methods
Traditional: Next I'll be covering lens based methods. This is considered one of the easier matchless methods of fire starting because all you need is a lens in order to focus the sunlight on a specific spot. Magnifying glasses and eyeglasses both work great for this. Adding water to the lens can intensify the beam. Angle the lens so that the sun is focused onto as small of an area as possible. Put your tinder under this spot and before you know it you'll have a fire going.
Balloon and Condoms: Another way to create a lens is to fill a balloon or condom with water and tie of the end. Don't inflate it too big or it will distort the sun's focal point. Squeeze the balloon until you get a shape that produces a circle of light. You can typically squeeze the condom in the middle to form to lenses. Hold one to two inches away from the tinder.
Flint & SteelThis is the best method and easiest to do. It's always a good idea to have some good Swedish FireSteel on you at all times. If you don't have a set you can always use quartzite and the steel blade of your pocket knife but you also need some char. Char is cloth that has been turned into charcoal which can hold a flame without bursting into flames. If you don't have that any piece of dry tinder will do.
Grip the quartzite between your thumb and forefinger while having it hang out about two to three inches. Hold the char between your thumb and flint.Using the back of your knife blade strike the steel against the flint several times. Sparks will fly off and land on the char.Fold the char cloth up into the tinder nest and gently blow on it to start the flame.
Miscellaneous MethodsIce: First things first you need to form the piece of ice into a lens and use it just the same way as mentioned above. Follow these steps to create the best lens possible using ice.
Clear water. Dirt will just filter the sun out and make it harder to focus a good beam of light.Use something else you might have on you (like a knife) to shape the lens. Thick in the center, narrow on the edges.Polish the lens with your hands. The heat will melt the ice so that you can get a nice, smooth finish.Use your ice lens to focus light on some tinder and get that fire started.
Batteries and Steel Wool: This is an interesting but easy method. 9 volt batteries work the best here.
Stretch out the steel wool about six inches long and half an inch wide.While holding the steel wool in one hand and the battery in the other rub the side of the battery with the contacts on the wool. The wool will begin to glow and burn so gently blow on it.The wool will lose its flame quickly so transfer it to the tinder nest as fast as possible.
Soda Can and Chocolate Bar: The coolest method to use.
Rub the chocolate on the bottom of the soda can. The chocolate actually acts like a polish and will make the soda can shine like a mirror. Toothpaste can also be used if no chocolate is available.Sunlight will reflect off the bottom of the can like a parabolic mirror forming a single focal point like how a mirror telescope works.Point the bottom of the can towards the sun so that the light is aimed directly at the tinder. Place it about an inch away from the tinder to make this method work.
In future articles I will be covering other fire starting methods so please check back often.
Friction Methods
The Hand Drill: This method is the most difficult of the friction technique.
The first thing you do is build a tinder nest which will be used to catch the spark you're about to create. Whatever you use needs to be dry whether it's grass, wood or even a tampon. Next, cut a v-shaped notch into your fireboard and make a small depression right next to it. Place a piece of bark underneath the notch that will be used to catch the ember from the friction. Finally, place the spindle into the depression on your fireboard and start rolling the spindle between your hands. Keep pressure on the board and make sure the spindle is at least two feet long. Once you see a glowing ember, tap the fireboard to drop the ember onto the piece of bark then transfer the bark to your tinder nest and blow on it to start your fire.
The Bow Drill: This method is by far the most efficient because it's easier to maintain speed and pressure.
The first thing you need to get is a socket. The socket is used to put pressure on the other end of the spindle and it's best to use a piece of wood or stone for this. You can use sap as a lubricant between the socket and spindle. Now make the bow. It should be about the length of your arm and be a flexible piece of wood with a curve. The string can be anything from a shoelace to a vine; it just needs to be something that won't break. Now cut the v-shaped notch in the fireboard and place the tinder underneath it. Finally catch the spindle in the loop of the bow string, apply pressure to the socket, and start sawing back and forth. Keep sawing until you create an ember, then place it on the tender and start blowing to create the fire.
Lens Methods
Traditional: Next I'll be covering lens based methods. This is considered one of the easier matchless methods of fire starting because all you need is a lens in order to focus the sunlight on a specific spot. Magnifying glasses and eyeglasses both work great for this. Adding water to the lens can intensify the beam. Angle the lens so that the sun is focused onto as small of an area as possible. Put your tinder under this spot and before you know it you'll have a fire going.
Balloon and Condoms: Another way to create a lens is to fill a balloon or condom with water and tie of the end. Don't inflate it too big or it will distort the sun's focal point. Squeeze the balloon until you get a shape that produces a circle of light. You can typically squeeze the condom in the middle to form to lenses. Hold one to two inches away from the tinder.
Flint & SteelThis is the best method and easiest to do. It's always a good idea to have some good Swedish FireSteel on you at all times. If you don't have a set you can always use quartzite and the steel blade of your pocket knife but you also need some char. Char is cloth that has been turned into charcoal which can hold a flame without bursting into flames. If you don't have that any piece of dry tinder will do.
Grip the quartzite between your thumb and forefinger while having it hang out about two to three inches. Hold the char between your thumb and flint.Using the back of your knife blade strike the steel against the flint several times. Sparks will fly off and land on the char.Fold the char cloth up into the tinder nest and gently blow on it to start the flame.
Miscellaneous MethodsIce: First things first you need to form the piece of ice into a lens and use it just the same way as mentioned above. Follow these steps to create the best lens possible using ice.
Clear water. Dirt will just filter the sun out and make it harder to focus a good beam of light.Use something else you might have on you (like a knife) to shape the lens. Thick in the center, narrow on the edges.Polish the lens with your hands. The heat will melt the ice so that you can get a nice, smooth finish.Use your ice lens to focus light on some tinder and get that fire started.
Batteries and Steel Wool: This is an interesting but easy method. 9 volt batteries work the best here.
Stretch out the steel wool about six inches long and half an inch wide.While holding the steel wool in one hand and the battery in the other rub the side of the battery with the contacts on the wool. The wool will begin to glow and burn so gently blow on it.The wool will lose its flame quickly so transfer it to the tinder nest as fast as possible.
Soda Can and Chocolate Bar: The coolest method to use.
Rub the chocolate on the bottom of the soda can. The chocolate actually acts like a polish and will make the soda can shine like a mirror. Toothpaste can also be used if no chocolate is available.Sunlight will reflect off the bottom of the can like a parabolic mirror forming a single focal point like how a mirror telescope works.Point the bottom of the can towards the sun so that the light is aimed directly at the tinder. Place it about an inch away from the tinder to make this method work.
In future articles I will be covering other fire starting methods so please check back often.