Identifying anger and anxiety

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Anger and anxiety are both very natural emotions that everyone experiences from time to time.

However there are times when feeling anxious or angry – or perhaps both - can overwhelm us and lead to health and emotional problems.

This is when it is time to seek some help to manage these feelings.

The Essex Health website at  is packed full of help and support for people suffering from anxiety and anger inEssex.

Feeling angry is something we all do from time to time. Life can be both frustrating and challenging so it's only natural we sometimes vent our feelings. Indeed many experts believe that anger is a necessary emotion which is vital for our survival.

However when anger becomes full-blown rage, we are more likely to do and say unreasonable and irrational things which we may regret later.

Anger can lead to aggression and sometimes even physical violence. This can have huge implications for us and for those around us.

When we are angry the body releases stress hormones, such as adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol. The heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and breathing rate increase and can sometimes make us unwell.

If you feel angry most or all of the time, it may be because it is the only way you know how to deal with things.

This is when getting expert advice and help to enable you to manage your anger is important. Fortunately there is a lot of anger management support inEssex.

For those in need of help with anger in Colchester there is The Junction, 78 Maldon Road, Colchester, Essex, CO3 3AL. Tel: 01206 541841

Young people in need of anger management in Harwich should get in touch with Teen Talk. They are based at17 Cliff Road, Dovercourt, Harwich CO12 3PP and you can call them on 01255 504800.

Anxiety is another entirely normal emotion that everyone experiences.

It is natural to worry about things we often have to deal with in life and to feel anxious.

Anxiety becomes a problem when it interferes with life in the absence of real ‘threat', or goes on too long after the initial danger or issue has past.

This is what is known as Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

If you find it hard to control your worries, have difficulty concentrating or sleeping, cannot relax and struggle to perform everyday tasks it is time to seek some help.

Anxiety can lead to a whole host of physical symptoms too.  Tiredness, nausea, shortness of breath and stomach aches are just some of the symptoms of anxiety.

As many as one in ten young people suffer from anxiety issues, making anxiety the most common emotional disorder in children and young people.

There is a lot of help available for young people suffering from anxiety inEssex.

Some useful information can be found at

Those suffering from anxiety inColchestercan also contact the Junction (details above) and young people with anxiety in Harwich can contact Teen Talk (details also above).

Our emotional well-being is vital to everything we do. It is important if you have a problem to talk it through with someone you can trust to help you deal with any issues and to move forward in life.

The good news is that there is plenty of help available if you suffer anxiety and anger issues in Essex.

Anger Management Essex
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