Is 5Linx a scam, 5Linx pyramid, 5Linx
5Linx was established in 2001 and 5Linx has been featured four years straight in the INC500 magazine. The INC500 is a publication that lists the top 500 non-publicly traded companies in th country that are growing very fast. It is rare for a network marketing company to be featured four years in a row in that presigeous magazine.5Linx is also featured in the October 2010 edition of Your Business at Home.
Most people associate network marketing to being a scam because of the structure in which you build your team. It takes on a pyramid form when your team starts to build. Most people do not understand the power of leverage in building a business like this. 5Linx business model is based on the amout of customers and business partners you have in your organization. Most people run at the word pyramid and refuse to get the understanding of what it really is. Look at it this way. If you take a piece of paper and put one box at the top, call that box CEO. Then draw a rectangle under that box and write board of directors. Now go under the rectangle and draw four boxes and write VP(vice president) in all those boxes. Now draw eight boxes and write manager in each box. Now draw twenty boxes and write supervisor in each box. Last draw one long rectangle at the bottom and write employees in the rectangle. Now draw an outline of it. Is it shaped like a pyramid? Where are you in that diagram? The person on the top of this pyramid is making more money then the employee on the bottom, but this is ok and no one will associate scam with this model because this is what people are taught is normal. Well at 5Linx, people can builb an organization like this and receive payments for it. The good thing is any one in the diagram can build it as big as they wish to and there is no timeline on anyone. Is 5Linx a scam? If it is then so is corporate.