1. He Stops Inviting You To Hang Out With Your Friends. In the blossoming stage of your relationship, he wanted his buddies to meet you, with a vested interest that he wants his friends to be jealous because your guy has scored to a beautiful woman like you. But, if he's thinking that you and he aren't meant to be, he will start having more boys' night out without you so his friends know that you are on the outs and will support him when the official breakup backlash hits.
2. He Stays Late At Work. Girls, remember this: When a relationship seems to be heading south, men often tend to displace all their energy and focus on their work. The very reason for this is that it gives him the ego boost since he is upset because his personal life is crashing momentarily. Aside from this, his work place will be the assurance that you will not be.
3. He Keeps The Conversation Neutral. Have you noticed that you are discussing things like politics and weather a LOT more lately? Remember, these topics are not intimate and personal. The lacks of intimacy of the conversations you are talking are signs that he is distancing himself to have less personal bond with you. This is one way of making his feelings somehow translucent to you and when he breaks up with you, he will do it with a "cleaner" conscience.
Surely, though these signs are more of the general types, they never fail to give you the clue that your guy is losing interest in you or in your relationship. However, you should totally blame yourself. Keeping a relationship entails you lots of effort, and it is a big investment. If you think your guy is cluing you on a break up, don't wait for him to drop the bomb and open a way to get him to talk to you. If yours is an irreparable relationship, just remember that there is somebody out there who is waiting for you and that will never show any interest of giving you these signs.