If The First Verse of The Bible is A Lie Then How Reliable Is The Rest?

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If we cannot accept the first Chapter of the Bible as it stands then which parts can we accept?In Genesis Chapter 1, we read that unique and beautiful and powerful sentence - a sentence which can be found nowhere else in the world.
Only in God's holy word do we read such a truth.
What a sentence - we must never forget it - and never take it for granted.
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
" When reading the ancestry of Jesus Christ in Luke Chapter 3, Jesus is traced right back to Adam.
Imagine if the ancestry of Jesus our Saviour Lord and King had been traced back only to discover that He descended from the trees - that He came from some family of apes or colony of chimpanzees.
No - Jesus descended from Heaven, and came to save us from our sin - and rescue us from hell - and no ape or monkey or chimpanzee can do that.
For over 150 years now these verses in Genesis Chapters 1 to 3 have been under attack - and a source of doubt and argument - rather than a source of answers and encouragement and reassurance.
They should be a source of faith, inspiration, assurance and certainty.
For over 150 years the Church of Jesus Christ has been wrestling with this massive topic of evolution - which was made so popular mainly through Charles Darwin's book - "The Origin of Species".
I wonder how many might think that Charles Darwin was right, and his theory of evolution was right?How many have been influenced by his writings without reading the book he wrote?How many have read it?Have you read, "The Origins of Species"?Over 40 years I have only met one person who has actually read the book in its entirety that was because he was doing a Ph.
! And, of course, some people criticise the Bible, without having read it! Was our world created in 6 days,- or did it evolve over 4.
6 billion years - now being extended by some scientists to some 13 billion years? There is a slight discrepancy between the two accounts.
Would our bank managers permit such a discrepancy in our accounts? If the first verse of the Bible is a lie - then how reliable is the rest of the Bible? That is basically what it at stake here! What has CREATION to do with the Economy - the nuclear threat - global warming - marriage and divorce - immorality, pornography, and abortion - etc? A LOT! When we do not believe the Bible we begin to believe anything, and soon we allow anything, and we end up in a moral mess and people suffer emotional turmoil and chaos! That has happened in many areas in society.
When serious questions arise in this whole vital crucial area, I have turned to the excellent Web Pages at Answers in Genesis, where respected and trained scientists provide replies using the same evidence that each of us has.
Have a look.
You may not agree with what they write, but you will have to supply strong valid proven arguments to refute what they say.
Genesis is not a collection of MYTHS and LEGENDS, but the actual record of real people and actual events.
It is most interesting that Jesus Christ had no problems or questions regarding the book of Genesis and He quoted from it, and referred to it with the authority which only the Son of God possesses.
If Genesis were expurgated from the Bible - removed - edited out - the rest of the Bible would have little meaning.
It would be incomprehensible - like a bridge without supports - a building with no foundation.
Sandy Shaw
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