The best solution for seed vault
Seed banks and seed vault are nothing but reinforced storage facilities which preserve seeds for future use. This activity by seed banks and seed vault ensures that the staring point of the bio diversity in this world is preserved in case some global crisis results in the extinction of the plant varieties whose seeds are being preserved in these seed banks and seed vault. The seeds stored in these seed banks and seed vault may be from various types of plant species. Seed banks and seed vault may store seeds for food crops, on the other side seed banks and seed vault can also store seeds of rare species of plants. In case of food crops seed banks and seed vault store the seeds because these crops in more cases than not were developed over long period of experimentation and evolution of farming methods, but in the present world due to varies reasons like change in farming techniques, lack of profit or lack or resources farming of these crops have become increasingly rare. Thus seed banks and seed vault store these seeds so as that our future generations have a choice to restart the farming of these food crops in case the constraints face d today for farming these crops do not exist in the future.
Another type of seeds that these seed banks and seed vault store are the seeds from rare plant and herb species which have become increasingly rare or have become extinct altogether over time. If these species are not preserved now they are definitely to be permanently become invisible from the face of the earth. Thus these seed banks and seed vault preserve the seeds so as that they can be grown in the future. Survival seed banks store a variety of crop seeds that can be densely grown over a short time, in a small area and with limited amount of resources. The survival seed bank store seeds for the sole purpose of these seeds being used in case of any crisis which results in the destruction of vegetation and because of the present world environment Survival seed banks have become increasingly popular and these Survival seed banks have found increasing number of clients seeds heirloom.