What a Man Is Looking for in A Woman?
Good Housewife Must Be Happy At All the Time
A lot of women lack the spirit of cheerfulness thereby they find difficult to be loved by their husbands, in-laws, relatives, even in their society where they live. This habit is bad to the extent that no one will like to associate with them. A good wife material must be friendly with her husband, in-laws, reflective, children and everybody around her. She must not be wicked or touchy. In the presence of challenges, she must make sure she demonstrate her cheerfulness and by so doing more people will be attracted to her, and she will receive more love from people including her husband and relatives. However, she should know that there is no challenge without expiry date.
Gentleness Is Another Key To Become A Good Housewife.
There is nobody on Earth that will say evil about a gentle person. The law of nature also taught how to be gentle. Likewise the Holy Scriptures tell us more about the gentleness. The law of every nation concurs with it. Gentleness is not weakness but, it is the sign of maturity, respect, intelligence and power. No matter how terrible a man maybe, a wife with the spirit of gentleness will win the man's heart. Therefore, what you need to exhibit in your marriage relationship is nothing but gentleness and you will see the instant changes.
She Must Be Clean!
"Cleanliness people say next to Godliness".As a good housewife, you must not be dirty. You must keep your surroundings clean, husband, children and house. There is no man that will love a dirty woman dearly, in fact, dirt make man feels unsaved, upset and unhappy. Make sure you tide house regularly and put every things in order. Your husband must be stand out in his cleanliness among his colleages.Your children must reflect your cleanliness among their peer in school. Some women are so dirty and unkempt because they are lazy. It is a shameful thing for a woman to be dirty. There are some women that are neat when you meet them outside but their inward is dirty, such women are not clean. You must be clean in both inside out.
She must be prayerful!
A prayer less person is a powerless person. She must be a woman of prayer and pray always in order to save her marriage from storm, divorce strange woman. She must pray for her husband, children, relations and other co-workers. Work without prayers can't bring out a tangible result; but hard work back-up will yield tremendous output. Ephesians 5:17 enjoys us to be playful" pray without ceasing".
Conclusively, if you examine your life sincerely, you will know whether you have these attributes to become a good house. If your answer is NO then, you have to improve on yourself by put what you have learnt in this article in to practice. I have no doubt that this article will mend your life and build your marriage; if you will exhibit the attributes. For more information visit the link below