Eliminate Stress Naturally With Qigong
Let's face it stress comes in different forms and is something that all of us can identify with because we have experienced it on some level, possibly even more than once in our lifetime.
Stress could have been experienced as a physical sensation in the form of a headache, tight back muscles, stiff neck, or fatigue.
Others maybe burdened with mental stress that follows them on their commutes to work, to meetings, then back home, and/or over thinking about school, work, and family.
Life can keep some up late into the night not being able to sleep.
Emotional stress is not any easier and covers a wide range of emotions: grief, loss, sadness, depression, fear, anger, frustration, irritability, chaos, worry, indecisiveness, and nervousness just to name a few.
Some may have a combination of stress on all levels of their being physically, mentally and emotionally.
Luckily there are many ways people have found to relieve their stresses and there is something that will resonate with each of us.
Qigong can help to relieve stress naturally without medications in just a few minutes.
However routine regular Qigong practice is best to create longer lasting results.
Qigong is pronounced Chee-Kung; it is an ancient healing form combining graceful movements coordinated with deep breathing techniques similar to Tai Chi.
Qigong is actually known as the mother of Tai Chi and Acupuncture dating it back thousands of years.
When translating Qigong we break it down into two words, thoughts or ideas.
"Qi" meaning air, breath of life or vital energy that flows within all things everywhere and "Gong" meaning the skill of working with, cultivating, or self discipline.
Qigong is the practice of cultivating vital energy.
Practicing Qigong increases the volume oxygen or good qi in the blood and body.
This give a boost to or immune systems to fight off the bad guys, and a boost in our metabolism to burn more calories.
Another benefit is that it naturally reduces stress as you breathe out while cultivating the air we breathe into healing energy.
Qigong is a practice that allows you to cultivate vital energy for longevity, health, inner peace, weight loss and stress reduction.
Qigong can help address stress on all levels physically, mentally, and emotionally by increasing the oxygen levels within our bodies allowing for optimal health, melting away muscle tension, clearing the mind, and balancing emotions.
Qigong breathing is part of the secret, allowing for deep full breaths that fill and raise the abdomen and uses gravity to gently push the air out as you exhale just like little babies do when sleeping.
Let's begin by pressing the tongue to touch the top of the upper palette of the mouth just behind the upper teeth and holding it there gently while breathing in and out through the nose, relax the body as you breathe.
Become aware of where your breath starts and stops, is your chest rising first or are you pulling breath downward to the abdomen filling it first.
Determine this by place one hand on the chest and the other on the abdomen, inhale deeply through the nose and gently breathe out through the nose.
If you find yourself breathing from the chest first, breathe a few more times.
Visualizing your breath coming in through the nose going down into the abdomen first, notice the abdomen raises up similar to a beach ball, and notice when you exhale that you allow gravity to gently falls the abdomen towards the spine.
Good, now you are Qigong breathing.
Cultivation is the other part where we use the wisdom and tools of qigong training to collect more qi or vital energy.
Qigong stance, stand feet shoulder width apart, toes facing straight forward in alignment with your shoulders, knees slightly bent, tuck pelvic forward, relaxing the buttocks you should feel as if you are rooted like a tree downward into the earth.
Arms are at the sides with elbows bent, palms are facing the outer part of the thighs keeping space between the fingers.
Imagine that you are carrying two bags of rice one under each arm.
Continue the deep Qigong breathing, notice as you breathe in the abdomen rises and notice when you exhale it gently falls back toward the spine.
Relax the shoulders, chest, arms, hands, keeping this rounded shape with arms at your sides with palms facing your outer thigh and relax at the waist, buttocks, and legs.
Next move your hands out in front of you level to your navel, finger tips aligned as your arms make a rounded shape as if you are hugging a tree.
Good, relax the shoulders and continue the Qigong deep belly breathing for nine deep breaths.
From here breathe in and raise the arms laterally outward and upward to the sky palms facing palms high up over the head.
Breathe out, bend the elbows and lower the arms down the front of the body palms facing down.
Repeat this action a few more times.
This action is called pulling down the heavens and cleanses your energy downward to the earth.
This action helps to reduce: stress, headaches, and high blood pressure.
For high blood pressure focus on a shorter inhale and a longer exhale in the pulling down the heavens movement.
Next let's close the Qigong practice by bringing both hands onto your navel one over the other focus on the area under your hands notice there maybe warmth emitting from your hands into the navel center, this is good.
Visualize the sun glowing bright from your hands into your navel center filling the lower abdomen with warmth and brilliant light.
Breathe three more deep Qigong breaths, here with your hands over your navel.
Congratulations, you have just successfully cultivated qi for health in just a few short moments.
Stress could have been experienced as a physical sensation in the form of a headache, tight back muscles, stiff neck, or fatigue.
Others maybe burdened with mental stress that follows them on their commutes to work, to meetings, then back home, and/or over thinking about school, work, and family.
Life can keep some up late into the night not being able to sleep.
Emotional stress is not any easier and covers a wide range of emotions: grief, loss, sadness, depression, fear, anger, frustration, irritability, chaos, worry, indecisiveness, and nervousness just to name a few.
Some may have a combination of stress on all levels of their being physically, mentally and emotionally.
Luckily there are many ways people have found to relieve their stresses and there is something that will resonate with each of us.
Qigong can help to relieve stress naturally without medications in just a few minutes.
However routine regular Qigong practice is best to create longer lasting results.
Qigong is pronounced Chee-Kung; it is an ancient healing form combining graceful movements coordinated with deep breathing techniques similar to Tai Chi.
Qigong is actually known as the mother of Tai Chi and Acupuncture dating it back thousands of years.
When translating Qigong we break it down into two words, thoughts or ideas.
"Qi" meaning air, breath of life or vital energy that flows within all things everywhere and "Gong" meaning the skill of working with, cultivating, or self discipline.
Qigong is the practice of cultivating vital energy.
Practicing Qigong increases the volume oxygen or good qi in the blood and body.
This give a boost to or immune systems to fight off the bad guys, and a boost in our metabolism to burn more calories.
Another benefit is that it naturally reduces stress as you breathe out while cultivating the air we breathe into healing energy.
Qigong is a practice that allows you to cultivate vital energy for longevity, health, inner peace, weight loss and stress reduction.
Qigong can help address stress on all levels physically, mentally, and emotionally by increasing the oxygen levels within our bodies allowing for optimal health, melting away muscle tension, clearing the mind, and balancing emotions.
Qigong breathing is part of the secret, allowing for deep full breaths that fill and raise the abdomen and uses gravity to gently push the air out as you exhale just like little babies do when sleeping.
Let's begin by pressing the tongue to touch the top of the upper palette of the mouth just behind the upper teeth and holding it there gently while breathing in and out through the nose, relax the body as you breathe.
Become aware of where your breath starts and stops, is your chest rising first or are you pulling breath downward to the abdomen filling it first.
Determine this by place one hand on the chest and the other on the abdomen, inhale deeply through the nose and gently breathe out through the nose.
If you find yourself breathing from the chest first, breathe a few more times.
Visualizing your breath coming in through the nose going down into the abdomen first, notice the abdomen raises up similar to a beach ball, and notice when you exhale that you allow gravity to gently falls the abdomen towards the spine.
Good, now you are Qigong breathing.
Cultivation is the other part where we use the wisdom and tools of qigong training to collect more qi or vital energy.
Qigong stance, stand feet shoulder width apart, toes facing straight forward in alignment with your shoulders, knees slightly bent, tuck pelvic forward, relaxing the buttocks you should feel as if you are rooted like a tree downward into the earth.
Arms are at the sides with elbows bent, palms are facing the outer part of the thighs keeping space between the fingers.
Imagine that you are carrying two bags of rice one under each arm.
Continue the deep Qigong breathing, notice as you breathe in the abdomen rises and notice when you exhale it gently falls back toward the spine.
Relax the shoulders, chest, arms, hands, keeping this rounded shape with arms at your sides with palms facing your outer thigh and relax at the waist, buttocks, and legs.
Next move your hands out in front of you level to your navel, finger tips aligned as your arms make a rounded shape as if you are hugging a tree.
Good, relax the shoulders and continue the Qigong deep belly breathing for nine deep breaths.
From here breathe in and raise the arms laterally outward and upward to the sky palms facing palms high up over the head.
Breathe out, bend the elbows and lower the arms down the front of the body palms facing down.
Repeat this action a few more times.
This action is called pulling down the heavens and cleanses your energy downward to the earth.
This action helps to reduce: stress, headaches, and high blood pressure.
For high blood pressure focus on a shorter inhale and a longer exhale in the pulling down the heavens movement.
Next let's close the Qigong practice by bringing both hands onto your navel one over the other focus on the area under your hands notice there maybe warmth emitting from your hands into the navel center, this is good.
Visualize the sun glowing bright from your hands into your navel center filling the lower abdomen with warmth and brilliant light.
Breathe three more deep Qigong breaths, here with your hands over your navel.
Congratulations, you have just successfully cultivated qi for health in just a few short moments.