Follow The Rules When Filing Divorce Forms
Are you aware of changes in divorce laws in your state in recent months? That's the sort of divorce information that could determine just how accurate online forms really are. There may have been changes you're not aware of, and suddenly the forms at these websites are out of date. Unless you can contact the website and guarantee that you can file divorce papers from their site that comply with all the most recent laws, you might be submitting incorrect documents to the court.
So what happens if you show up in court trying to file your divorce forms but find out they aren't entirely correct? The short answer is that they will almost certainly be rejected by the court, and you'll not only have to start again with the right forms, but you'll lose your filing fee.
A longer answer is that you may technically have the correct forms, but because you are getting a divorce without an attorney, you may have filled them out with small errors. If these papers are accepted, those errors could come back to haunt you in unforeseen ways. So having the right forms and filling them out properly is absolutely essential.
If you have absolute confidence in the accuracy and integrity of the website you've chosen, then you may be able to file divorce papers from that site and not worry about whether they'll be accepted by the court. Or you might check with a divorce attorney right at the end of the process, to make sure the forms are correct. That would cost more, but still not as much as if you'd had the attorney from the beginning. Whether you go this route or try other means, you'll want to be completely sure your forms are correct so you can get the business over with on the first try, and get on with your life.