Marriage - 5 Tips For A Happy, Successful Marriage
1. Appreciate Your Spouse. When it comes to your perception of your spouse, have an attitude of gratitude. Studies show that people who are grateful, are people who are happy. In your marriage, when your spouse exerts extra effort, be expressive and appreciative. Your spouse will really like the fact that you took time out of your day to express thankfulness.
2. Support Your Spouse. This one is not always easy to do, especially when you are married to a person who is stubborn or socially awkward, but for public appearance sake, always stand with your spouse. This is true even when you do not agree with your spouse about the particular action being taken. Remember, in public, present a united front and then behind closed doors you can and should communicate effectively with your spouse about your disapproval of the action being taken.
3. Make Time For Each Other. As a couple, it is important that you and your spouse spend quality time together in order to keep things fresh and new. Regardless of how busy you are, regardless of how busy your spouse is, MAKE TIME FOR EACH OTHER. After all, if you and your spouse are legally married, but you rarely spend quality time together, then your marriage should not be categorized as a ‘marriage', it should be more correctly categorized as a ‘social living arrangement'. Point being, take the initiative and schedule bonding activities together. Your activities do not have to be grandiose, just simply enjoying each other's company should be sufficient.
4. Have Open And Honest Communication. I cannot overemphasize the importance of husband and wife having open and honest communication between them. In order to achieve a healthy, successful marriage, both husband and wife must always be able to speak out their minds freely without having to fear being judged or disrespected. Both spouses should take a turn voicing their concerns while the other listens attentively—this way, the message will be conveyed clearly, issues can be resolved more easily and quickly, and unnecessary arguments can be avoided.
5. Compromise Well. When you form a marital partnership with another person, you are in effect communicating to the other person that you are willing to give up some of your freedoms in hopes of gaining in exchange something more valuable. Successful marriages work in large part because part spouses know how to compromise. The next time you and your spouse get into an argument over an important issue, make sure you present your side and then give your spouse an opportunity to present their side of the story. Doing so should help the two of you deal with the issue in a way that will cause successful resolution.