Pythagoras" Law of Power In Numbers. What Are You Doing With Your Sacred Influence?

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MODE Of Cosmic Therapy: Esoteric Attraction Found In Numbers

According to Pythagoras, (father of mathematics), "The world is built upon the power of numbers." If he was aware of anything, he understood how numbers form the basis of all of the universal structure. In this thought of profound possibility, one might conjecture that specific numbers are linked to certain events invariably for reasons beyond present understanding. What address do you live at? What numbers make up your social security card? How do these numbers reappear or repeat themes in your daily walk?

No matter what the prevailing circumstances, the scenarios presented in your present situation are but a growing/flowering opportunity your soul invites you to engage/learn/ participate in so that you may break through the restricting, debasing and debilitating ideas that anything from the outside can or does harm you. In other words, you can not be delayed or overlooked. You have created the play, the script and ordered the actors and actresses to fulfill their most convincing individual roles. As Charlie McRoy, the young- almost 12 year boy- from my book Just Around The Corner discovered quite hilariously when he heard the encouraging small voice eagerly prompt him say, prior to entering the castle: "The only way out is in."

Wherever/whatever is taking place at this moment in your specific life is where: you need to enter thoroughly in! No standing on the circumference. Jump right into the middle of the pond. You are in an about face indomitable area of your life that craves and needs to dispel darkness. The uncertain voyage appears contradictory; so unclear and muddled. Because of your constant indecision and instability (inconstancy), you often end up misinterpreting the events thereby causing you to feel abandoned, afraid, unsure, abused and grossly misunderstood. In your particular case, you've no doubt experienced similar traumatic events never being able to release the detrimental magnetic influential hold they have on you. Instead of being formidably present now, you have drifted and continue to drift in and out of current unrelated circumstances.

Aborted memories shout relentlessly of how you were part of a committed unit that was severed without notice by and through the people who you believed cared about you. There is substantive proof that this experience left you ripped apart never having gotten over the pain of betrayal associated. Left over grief from the loss actually haunts your vibrant effusive personality to the point where it feels unnaturally foreboding. In essence, blame shadows your demeanor. This state of affairs needs healing. A deeply resonating mother complex surrounds the loss. Predominantly, you conduct yourself in a smothering role that is not very sexy, appealing or attractive to the opposite sex (mate).

You are seriously contemplating matters that pertain to: personal strength, endurance, fortitude, conviction and determination. It is an extremely private matter better explored alone. [Which seems so paradoxical because at this stage of the game, you are ready to de-ass and shine!] No longer do you need to be the center of attention for others. The entertaining jig is up! Time to move on to another more rewarding venue. You are interested in personal growth, expansion and travel! Pleasure invoked, fantasies explored, beneficial gain comes to the forefront. As far as you are concerned, the incessant worrisome Ego has shown off enough delivering no satisfaction in soul's intent.

Pride and vindictiveness have ruled supreme in your life and you're ready to strip the dross from your script forever. No longer are any dramatic emotional displays necessary to fill your bored empty scenarios. Your banner now states. Anger will no longer be nurtured, depression can not stay and morbid thoughts will not find a comfortable nest. If you sense even the slightest 'know it all' attitude and braggart demeanor in yourself, lurking in the shadows, all hell will break loose.

No more domination in relationships portrayed here, manipulative sexual behavior, (unless for pure enjoyment and fun}. In essence, you are really ready to discover what is important to you and where you genuinely like to spend your time, effort and energy.

Many deaths and rebirths have you experienced in this short lifetime. Remember: it's all a numbers game. Endings and beginning intricately linked together. The problem is you have maintained the lingering memories of those hurtful experiences with all the hardships associated. It is high time for you to have a good time. You have got to release any and all grudges you may be carrying. You simply can't go on like this: being so mad at everybody and everything without even knowing why. Release blame, guilt and remorse all in one breath. Purchase a light blue candle' write your intent to release the karmic residue and place these intentions beneath the candle. On your intent each month write the things you are having difficulty with involving the obsessions of your critical nit-picking mind. Burn the candle on each full moon of the next twelve months. Discard the remaining wax and ashes from paper in a moving body of water. Release the idea of any hero-worship; come home to yourself, unabated.

Also, once having implemented the ritual of the full moon each month, pay noticeable attention the dates involved when doing so. How are these particular dates relevant in your life? What people do you know born on these specific dates? It begins as a game, but then you will quickly ascertain how numbers play a highly significant role in your everyday existence. Life is an intricate puzzle which demands of us to break it down into simply terms we can understand and relate. It's entertaining, fun and super charged with vital life-sustaining sacred sensual sexual artistic energy.

What is it you really want to investigate? Who is it you really 'more than anything else in the whole wide world' want to get to know and close to? Start today. Without a preconceived idea of how it will come about simply pay attention to the signs, omens and symbols dropped at your doorstep. Start laughing more. Get more sexually involved in different exciting exhilarating ways. Don't block the unobvious simply because it doesn't immediately appeal to you. Great gifts are hidden in the morose. Open yourself up to the invariable possibilities sifted and showered in the season of change. Life is so much fun! Do it to it and don't come back empty handed. Yes!
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