How to Change the Front Brakes on a '98 Honda Accord
- 1). Park the Honda Accord on level ground.
- 2). Loosen the lug nuts on both front tires using the lug wrench.
- 3). Raise the right-front side using the jack, and support that side with a jack stand. Repeat for the left side. The entire front end should be off the ground supported on two jack stands.
- 4). Remove the lug nuts, and pull off the tires.
- 1). Connect the 5/16-inch socket to the ratchet, and loosen the retaining nuts on the rear left and right side of both front calipers.
- 2). Pull the calipers off of the rotor, and rest the calipers on the lower control arm.
- 3). Pull the brake pads out from the caliper one set at a time using you hand.
- 4). Force the round, metal piston back into the caliper using the ratchet's handle, and slide the new pads into the same position as the old brake pads. Repeat this for the other side. Replace the calipers to the top of the rotors, and tighten the securing bolts to 44.9 pounds-feet using the torque wrench.
- 5). Replace the tires to the axle and the lug nuts to the tires.
- 1). Raise the front end of the Honda Accord one side at a time, and remove the jack stand from under the car.
- 2). Lower the Accord to the ground, and tighten the lug nuts to 79.9 pounds-feet using the torque wrench and the lug nut.
- 3). Remove the jack from under the car and clean your tools.