Surviving Infidelity - Top 5 Things You Need To Do Now
1. Be Kind To Yourself
Right now you need some pampering and comfort so let yourself. Buy new clothes, send some flowers to yourself, get your nails done, etc. You have to remind yourself that there is still good things in this world because right now everything probably looks dark and bleak. Even though you may not think so, your future still holds hope. Spend some time in the sun as this can lighten depression. Make a spa appointment so you can have something you can look forward to. Have a facial and maybe even get a new hairdo. Make yourself look and feel beautiful, even if you do not feel like it because you need to do this if you plan on surviving infidelity.
2. Keep Yourself Healthy
If you were anything like me, you probably don't feel like eating or drinking a thing but while you are surviving infidelity, your body needs to be strong and healthy so you need to feed it well. Please remember to drink plenty of water and when you do eat, make it a healthy choice and maybe consider taking a multi-vitamin to help. You need to stay healthy so you can make the hard decisions that you will be facing in the near future.
3. Feed Your Spirit
You need to spend time in God's Word someplace quiet so you can pray and meditate. This was my saving grace in surviving infidelity because without it I wouldn't be where I am today. I would strongly suggest using a daily devotion just for the betrayed spouse so that each devotion is centered on things you are personally struggling with.
4. Do Not Make Any Decisions Based On Emotions
This is hard to do but you must learn how to never make decisions based on how you are feeling if you plan on surviving infidelity. Feelings change all the time and if you make a life changing decision based on a fleeting emotion 99% of the time you will regret this decision. Please never make any life changing decisions in the first year after you find out about the affair. This is essential in surviving infidelity.
5. Plan Out Your Days
You need to plan out your days because when you are surviving infidelity you mind is so focused on the affair it's hard to get it to think about anything else. Get out some paper and schedule out everything and make your days busy so you do not have time to cry in bed. You need to get up and fight, even though you didn't want this war, you are now in the middle of it so you can't just lie down and die. Grieving is okay but schedule some down time for this; don't allow yourself to spend days, weeks and months in bed grieving. Make yourself get out of bed, get fully dressed and to have a constructive day. Believe me when I say I know you do not want to do this but I know from experience that you must do this.