Blended Learning - The Future of Education System
" [Wikipedia] Blended learning is not similar to traditional distance learning or the traditional classroom learning, but it can be referred as the mixture of both distance & classroom learning.
Blended learning includes the Computer Aided Learning i.
E-learning or Online Learning and Mobile Learning.
With the help of computers, internet and mobile devices blended learning cuts the geographical barriers and this is one of the most significant features of blended learning.
The content used for online learning known as e-content is usually very interactive and engaging and thus more effective.
Blended Learning is also used for corporate trainings.
Large organization hire trainers who teach them in a traditional manner using computer aided tools and also help them getting hands on practice.
Meanwhile the study materials (can be e-books) are uploaded on the company portal and the employees can access it from anywhere and study it.
This type of training is very effective and organizations do invest a good amount of money on it.
The portals used are basically Learning Management System where all the data is being uploaded and the students can access it whenever they want from any part of the globe.
Even lectures can be held with the virtual classroom technology using the LMS where the teacher can teach the students located around the globe.
Benefits of Blended Learning • Digital Content - E-Content is very interactive and engaging and thus self explaining thus the training or learning becomes more effective.
• Self Paced Learning - As the students can access the content from anywhere and at anytime, each student can learn at their own pace.
Even if something is missed they can go through it later.
Students can schedule their learning time according to themselves.
• Practice - Mixing of different environment gives a good opportunity to learn and practice simultaneously and thus develop the skill in them.
• Convenience - Blended learning is convenient to all.
Both the teachers and students do not have to travel anywhere.
They can work or learn from their house itself.
Face to Face interactions are usually once or twice a month.
• Cost efficient - Institutions do not have to heavily invest in infrastructure as face to face interactions are only once or twice a month.
Also the traveling cost of both the teachers and students is saved.
Still there are many institutes and organizations who do not want to switch to online training.
Here are some stats which can be an eye opener for them.
1) In 2011 77% of American Corporations were using online learning (in 1995 this number was only 4%) Source - http://info.
com/blog/bid/247473/18-Mind-Blowing-eLearning-Statistics-You-Need-To-Know 2) Corporate training alone is a $200 billion industry.
eLearning represents $56.
2 billion of this.
This will grow into a $107 billion market by 2015.
(GIA - Global Industry Analysts) 3) The eLearning market is now more than 13 years old (the word "e-learning" was coined in 1998) 4) According to New Ambient Insight Report, the Asian eLearning market is expected to reach $11.
5 billion by 2016 5) According to IBIS Capital, a London-based investment bank, the e-learning market is projected to grow by 23 percent between now and 2017, making it the fastest-growing market in education.
6) 4,600,00 college students are currently taking at least one of their classes online and by 2014 this number will increase to 18,650,000.
By 2019, half of ALL classes will be done online.
(Source - http://blogs.
html ) The above listed benefits and statistics answers why educational institutes and organizations are using blended learning methodology for training and learning.
In the near future these numbers will grow as the world is adapting new technologies.