How to Upgrade an iPod by Email
- 1). Go to a computer that loads the iTunes site, if your computer does not. Go to the iTunes site and click "iPod." Click "Upgrade my iPod." You see a page with the newest iPod upgrades and operating system upgrades. Copy the address for that page onto your computer's clipboard.
- 2). Open up an e-mail program and compose a message to yourself. Paste the site for the upgrade into the message and send it.
- 3). Go back to the computer where you have stored your iTunes and where you sync your iPod. Open your e-mail and find the site. Click on it. The site should display even if you can't get it to display normally on your computer.
- 4). Plug your iPod into your computer and the page that displays shows which upgrades are available for your iPod. Click them to download and get started.