How to Download Songs From Windows Media Player to an iPod Nano
- 1). Click "Start" on the taskbar and select "Programs," "Apple" and "iTunes." Plug the iPod cable into your iPod Nano and your PC's USB port, and click the "iPod Nano" tab in the iTunes sidebar.
- 2). Check the box next to "Enable Disk Use" and click "Apply" to save the changes. Exit out of iTunes, and click the link in the Resources section to download MGTEK dopisp plug-in.
- 3). Save the downloaded file to your desktop, and double-click it to run the installation wizard. Click "Next" and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.
- 4). Click the "Windows Media Player" icon on your taskbar or click "Start" on the taskbar and select "Programs" and "Windows Media Player."
- 5). Click the "Sync" tab, and drag and drop music from your music library to the "Sync List." Click "Start Sync" to sync the songs to your iPod Nano.